
Favola, now Kane Johnson with a bladder problem.?

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Maybe it;s a side effect of playing football, or do they need a digital prostate check




  1. think it was a case of having to many

  2. It's the mob mentality. If a footballer was on his own. he wouldn't resort to urinating in public.

    Many of these guys don't live in the real world, and make their own rules because they have big ego's.

    I wonder if Favola would like it if the proprietor of the restaurant went and urinated on his crappy cafe window.

    How stupid is Johnson, urinating on the police complex. Many of these guys have a one cell brain.

    Yes Jemima, it is a side effect of football, because it's a team game, and many of these idiots run in packs.

  3. nah favola is cool

  4. All u people have problemss

    i think u should just givem a break

    OMG they pee in public lets keep giving them sh*t for it

    wat do u think its gonna do

    im 14 and i think u people should GROW UP

    i dont see use giving sh*t to others who pee in public

    Just cos there footy players doesnt make them non humans

  5. It's not their fault. It's due to living in that backward town of Melbourne with its severe shortage of public toilets!!!!!

  6. They are overpaid morons.

  7. As with most footballers, they think they can do anything, anytime and get away with it.

    In Canberra while Todd Carney tells the world he's reformed. my son has frequently seen him pissed as a newt around the nightclubs.

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