
Favorite Energy Drinks?

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I am curious of what everyone else's preferences are. Mine is BAWLS.




  1. I'm a fan of the Starbucks double shot espresso's, but I'll down a redbull if I can't find the espresso.

  2. My favourite enegry drink is redbull :)

  3. Red Bull

  4. HI,

    My favorite is XS Energy Drink. It is healthy too.

    0 Carbs, 0 Sugar, 8 calories, 10 regular flavors, and 3 caffeine free flavors.

    but u have to buy it online


    They taste really great too. As good if not better than Amp, Monster, and Arizone Energy Green Tea. XS came out with the first ever Energy Tea by the way too.

  5. MONSTER ENERGY, the green can is the best energy drink you will ever drink.

  6. mine is propel

    it's the best

  7. Verve

  8. Bawls. Tastes a little bit like Sprite except better.

  9. RockStar, Monster, and Jolt are my 3 favorites(in no particular order). My 3 favorite RockStar flavors are Orange(Mango Tasting), Purple, and Punched(the new one, tastes like Fruit Punch). By the way, for RockStar, don't have the original(it's black and gold, and doesn't say any flavor), it tastes like p**s. Anyways, my 2 favorite Monster flavors are Original(Green), and the Orange one. My last favorite energy drink(in no particular order), is Jolt. My favorite Jolt flavor is the Blue one :)

    Hope that helps..




  10. Water.

    Seriously though, I drink more water now and have way more energy.

  11. Gatorade

  12. I like Propel and Gatorade.

  13. Monster Energy.

  14. Half a red bull and half a powerade, gatorade, or vitamin water.


  15. naz and red bull

  16. My favorite energy drink is XS Energy. It is because of taste, health, variety, and their guarantee.

    XS Energy pionnered providing energy from B vitamins 6 year ago rather than sugar and caffeine. Now you see other companies follow suit like 5 Hour Energy and Stacker's 6 Hour Power.

    They contain 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and only 8 calories. They have 10 great tasting regular flavors and 3 of those come in caffein free version too. Even the regular drinks which have caffeine don't contain a jacked up amount like most energy drinks have so they are safer.

    XS Energy and their distribution company guarantee their products too. If you don't like them for any reason you can return the unused drinks for free and get a full refund on your purchase price. How can you beat that?

  17. Water, if you drink the right amount you don't need anything else.

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