
Favorite Environment?

by Guest62733  |  earlier

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Like the woods, beach, cities, space.

your favorite place to be/look at?

I like the woods because of the slight mystery sorounding some.

And oceans (kinda obvious)





  1. Mangroves. :P

    With the warm sun beating down on your slip-slop-slapped back, the waters nice and warm so you decide to cruise through the high tide mangrove zone.

    Where I live there's always a lot of biodiversity within the area where I snorkel, and in my opinion it just looks so.. so unusual, so surreal, so.. not of this world.

    From a picture point of view it looks very nice too, the water in shades of aqua against the yellow substrate with black/dark grey mangrove roots sparking across the frame. The occasional Leather Jacket that undulates across your line of site brings a much need touch of humour as it inquisitively circles you in search of little tasties.

  2. My favourite environment would be a peaceful one, where everyone has enough space, shelter and food and can live harmoniously with other people and the natural environment without selfishly ruining it for others.

    Sounds a bit like a song coming on?.........

    I live on a greek island  thats pretty unspoilt with old fashioned family and neighbourly values and it does it for me!

  3. I would like to live in a place where there is harmony , wheather it is a beach / city . I like woods too[mysterious & lovable].

  4. parks/countryside is mine.

  5. i like almost the same thing as you do. woods is a great site already but i think i like more some sort of a rainforest because it is where biodiversity will be easily spotted.
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