
Favorite Horse treats?

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my horse will eat anything edible. he loves peppermints. He also loves part of ur pp&j sandwich. From cheese-itz to apples he eats it all.

i was wondering if anyone Else's horse eats anything or if i just have a blessed horse?

what are your horses favorite treats?




  1. My gelding will suck up anything you offer him the first time. After that if he didn't like it he wont touch it again. My mare on the other hand will thoroughly investigate anything I offer her and will more often than not turn her nose up at it. They all love sugar cubes though. My sisters horse loves gummy bears too, but we usually just stick to the sugar and fruit.  

  2. horses have a very sensitive digestive system.  Flour based food have a good possibility to cause constipation (cant go p**p-poo) and in turn your horse could colic.  When a horse colic's this is often life threatening.  Horses are not domesticated animals.  Although we want them to be, therefore their digestive tracts aren't.  You need to stick with natural things.  Such Alfalfa cubes (sparingly) Horse treats manufactured for horses, Apples, carrots, SC.  If it grows from the ground and is fresh in moderation it is fine for a horse.  Please take this to heart.  For your horse to live a long healthy life you have to put the right foods into its body.  Just like humans.

  3. My horse goes crazy for peppermints too.  I usually give her 1-2 when I visit.  I bought her one of this peppermint flavored salt licks and she about inhaled it! She also likes marshmallows.  I haven't tried anything else really, don't want to make her sick.

  4. don't give your horse peppermints , cheese-itz  and pp&j.

    ONLY APPLES AND HAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Hope this helps

  5. oh my mare is exactly the same...

    She is CRAZY for carrots though.

    And home made treats

    and this one kind of leaves one trees haha

    pretty much anything edible.

    She actually managed to open and eat a pack of orange pb crackers i had in my grooming tote haha. She is just plain food obsessed! We used to have a gelding at our farm that would eat french fries obsessively too!  I dont think its to rare, i've actually heard of someone feeding their horse jelly beans and peeps [the marshmellow things] but i think thats just a little strange lol
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