
Favorite Hustle ?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked this brfore a couple of times but we have some new faces now-Besides after 3000+ im running out of questions




  1. My favorite hustle is a non-hustle. Go to a new room and hang around usually someone will ask for a game if not use the non-hustle.

    In a clear voice ask the room "Who was the best in the house before I came in and how much do you play for"

    You'll be surprised how many wannabes will jump up saying to their friends "I'll show this cocky bast***"

    What the heck you were not getting games before anyway.



  2. Lay the cue across the table side pocket to side pocket, bet your opponent you can roll a ball under the cue, eye it up for a while(a little dramatization never hurts), then out of nowhere roll the ball under the whole table.

  3. You are shooting the 8 ball......dead in the pocket, no way to miss......"bet you don't make the 8 ball"....of course you don't brunswick or arasmith does! every time on a new guy!

  4. My favorite hustle isn't a pool hustle but usually comes up while shooting.  Bet someone anything they want that they can't get heads or tails right 3 out of 10 trys flipping a quarter.  Tell them, they have to be right 3 out of the 10 times.  Then usually they'll get the first few right, and after they get to 3 and they are like pay up... You just explain to them you will absolutely pay up provided they get the next however many flips to get to the 10 wrong.  They'll love you for it ;)

  5. When I'm playing 8-ball I like to give my opponent three of his balls off the table and I get to pick the balls. You'd be surprised how easy some people are to negotiate with. :)
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