
Favorite King's Island Ride?

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Mine has to be Flight of Fear. Nice and smooth, but suspenseful.

I don't really like either of the Beasts. I sat in a back seat of a car in the middle of the train and, I swear, I still have scars from that.

What about you all? Which do you like; which don't you?




  1. i like racer and i think its called son of a beast

  2. My personal favorite is Firehawk, but before it was there my favorite was Vortex. I am not a big fan of Son of Beast beause it is so rough. I don't mind the Beast as much, but it is pretty rough.

  3. I would have to agree, Flight of Fear is my favorite following closely in 2nd with FireHawk.

  4. I would have to say Beast, then Flight of Fear, then Vortex.


  5. Invertigo is just awesome. It's really fast, and intense. Flight of Fear is a ride in which you can't see in the dark which is stupid because it's already a more intense ride, than you have an actual brake in the middle of the ride, and than you can finally see where you are going.

    Invertigo rules. That park messed up Flight of Fear. The Beasts both stink.

  6. My favorite is Drop Tower. It's the best adrenaline rush in the whole park. It scares me a little, but the rush you get is unbelievable, it literally takes your breath away when the latch releases =D

    My least favorite is Son of Beast. The first drop is awesome, but it would be a great ride if it didn't beat you up so much. It gave me a very bad headache and backache after only riding it once.

  7. I personally love racer. It was the first one I rode at Kings Island. The first time, i rode it backwards and have been hooked ever since.

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