
Favorite Movie Quote?

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What is your favorite movie quote or exchange in dialogue in any movie?




  1. "Enough is Enough! I've had it with these muthaf**kin' snakes on this muthaf**kin' plane!"

    Samael L. Jackson "Snakes on a Plane"

  2. You're so colorful on the outside, but on the inside you're nothing but fluff.  You are a walking talking marshmellow peep.

    Aaron-Latter Days.

  3. stupid, fat hobbit

    -gollum, from lord of the rings


  4. Oh I forgot you were sick the day they taught law at Law School.--Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men.

  5. Key: Just because you got the bacon, lettuce, and tomato don't mean I'm gonna give you my toast.

    -Hustle and Flow

  6. this is me takiing back control from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janice, from billing reports, from economic keyboards, cheating girlfriends, and sack of **** best friends, this me taking back control of my life.... what the **** have you done lately?

    - James McAvoy in WANTED

  7. Hmmm - So hard to choose just one...

    SLAP.  "Snap out of it!!"


  8. "I'll be back!" by Arnold S.

  9. " At last my arm is complete again!"

       -Sweeney Todd

  10. ♥If your a bird,Im a bird♥...sooo cute=]

    *The Notebook

  11. One of these nights I'm going to come into your house and cut your throat.

    -There Will be Blood

  12. "I'm too young to be old, and too old to be young!"

    -Fried Green Tomatoes

  13. bill?

    ya ted?

    strange things are afoot, at the circle k. - bill and teds most excellent adventure
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