
Favorite Poet?

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I am trying to find a poet, and a good poem of theirs, to do a paper on.

This is person and poem can be anyone in the world, even your mother. Only thing is I need to be able to find stuff on this person.

They are going to have to either have their own website, or blog, or be a famous poet.

And I am trying to look for a poet thatdoes Morbi or depressing type poetry, or maybe even love poems.

Just no one poet please that does patriotic or historical poems.

So when you answer this question please give me their full name.

Their "type" of poetry; romanctic, old english, beat, feminist, etc.

And any other info you might have about them.

Thank You!




  1. Dorothy Parker's short poems, always with a kicker and great pieces.

    Go to the Minstrel Archives under the Wiki entry on her, under "External Links" for the most poetry by her, most clearly written. Hers is mostly humor, with a twist of sour in the sweet. She was a complex person.

    Once you're on the Minstrel Archive page, you can scroll for pages looking at other poets' work as well. I like Li Po, and some by Sylvia Plath, Gary Snyder ('beat,' but more into Buddhism too), Poe, who has a tremendous amount written about him, and of course Shakespeare. Just look around the Archive, if you like.

  2. The Summer Day

    by Mary Oliver

    Who made the world?

    Who made the swan, and the black bear?

    Who made the grasshopper?

    This grasshopper, I mean—

    the one who has flung herself out of the grass,

    the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,

    who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down—

    who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.

    Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.

    Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

    I don't know exactly what a prayer is.

    I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

    into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,

    how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,

    which is what I have been doing all day.

    Tell me, what else should I have done?

    Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

    Tell me, what is it you plan to do

    with your one wild and precious life?

    also,Chloe Madison- this girl is awesome. she's 15 and rocks the written word.

    check out this link and write her cause she's a great poet

  3. Defiantly Edgar Allen Poe.

  4. My favorites:

    Billy Collins - contemporary

    T.S. Eliot - modern (early twentieth century), experimental

    Robert Penn Warren - twentieth century, Southern

    Anne Sexton - modern, confessional, feminist

  5. Edgar Allen Poe- Grief/ romance

    Study a few poems like:

    [Alone] About sadness and (you've ghuessed it) Loneliness

    To Helen... (love poem)

    The Valley Of Unrest (kinda' sad)

    To One In Paradise (love)

    The Raven (Stuff)

    ["Deep In Earth"] Two lined poem, sad

    The Bells

    To Helen[Whitman]

    To My Mother (sad)

    Or you could try another poet like "Blessing the Boats" by Lucille

    Melvin B. Tolson who wrote "When great dogs fight"......fantasy-like

    Robert Browning wrote "Life in love"

    Wilfred Owen wrote "Dulce et Decorum est"...... interesting

    George Herbert wrote religious like poetry like "Easter Wings"

    Robert Frost "The road less traveled"

    Emily Bronte wrote "Remembrance" Sad!

    Dylan Thomas wrote "Do not go gentle into that good night" which is sad

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote "sonnet 43" Which is romance

    Did I give you a few ideas?

  6. Louise Gluck

    Her work is incredible. Type of poetry is hard for me to classify. She mixes her poetry up quite a bit...there are myths and parables used to discuss fairly modern topics. When she became the Poet Laureate replacing Billy Collins, she was asked how her work differed from his. Her answer was that her poems were, "probably more brutal, more disturbing, less readily accessible and charming."

    Here's one she wrote called Brown Circle


    My mother wants to know

    why, if I hate

    family so much,

    I went ahead and

    had one.  I don’t

    answer my mother.

    What I hated

    was being a child,

    having no choice about

    what people I loved.

    I don’t love my son

    the way I meant to love him.

    I thought I’d be

    the lover of orchids who finds

    red trillium growing

    in the pine shade, and doesn’t

    touch it, doesn’t need

    to possess it.  What I am

    is the scientist,

    who comes to that flower

    with a magnifying glass

    and doesn’t leave, though

    the sun burns a brown

    circle of grass around

    the flower.  Which is

    more or less the way

    my mother loved me.

    I must learn

    to forgive my mother,

    now that I am helpless

    to spare my son.

    Her best collection in my opinion is The Wild Iris.
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