
Favorite Starbucks?

by  |  earlier

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So what is your favorite Starbucks drink. Be as descriptive as possible. I like a Spiced Chai no foam extra hot with whole milk. Or a Cafe late extra hot yes foam.




  1. pumpkin spice latte

  2. iced venti 3 pump white choc mocha!! yummy!

  3. Carmel Frap

  4. cinnamon dolce latte or else a coffee frappacino

  5. iced chai grande with low fat milk.

  6. i love hazelnut hot chocolate. its lovely with a bit of cream!

  7. I used to work at Starbucks, so I have many favorites. But before I worked there, my favorite hot drink was a tall soy chai. The soy milk not having any fat in it makes the drink spicier. My favorite cold drink was the banana coconut frappucino, but they don't carry the ingredients to make that anymore.

    Since working there, I also like getting a short steamed milk with a half pump cinnamon dolce and a half pump white mocha. When I'm not in the mood for sugar, I like a tall bold misto. My favorite cold drink now is the iced Zen tea with two pumps classic syrup (they put in four if you don't specify), but I also like a tall vanilla cream with one pump of whatever seasonal syrup they have, like maple.

  8. chocolate brownie mocha frappachino! they stopped making it after i was hooked and now im sad! =(

  9. I like a French Vanilla Cappuccino with Cinnamon and a Caramel Frapp with extra whip cream ^_^

  10. latte with extra cream mmmmmmmmmmm......


  11. double chocolate chip frap =]

  12. I like the vanilla bean frappacino.

  13. grande non-fat no whip mocha

  14. I always get the tall Green Tea frappachinos. The color is green so you have to get past that. But they are oh so good. Everyone that sees me drinking them get grossed out by trhe color but everyone that Ive gotten to try it love it.

  15. All starbucks should be burned to the ground - just my opinion - oh yes and McDonalds too

    Lol knew that would get me 'popular'

    umm coffee?

  16. Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato Breve light ice and extra caramel.

  17. Skinny Vanilla Latte w/ 2 Splenda

  18. Double Tall Latte

  19. I like An Iced Venti, caramel macchiato, old school, extra carmel, and two add shots (5 shots total) i used to be a shift manager for sbux. :-)

  20. I'll take either a Venti Vanilla Skinny Latte, or if it's hot, a Venti Espresso Frapachino Light. They are my faves!!

  21. Caremel Frapachino>?or however u spell it.yummm!

  22. i like iced green tea sweetened

  23. Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino yum!

  24. White chocolate mocha with soy and whipped cream.  Oh....I could really, really go for one of those right now.

  25. carmel frappachino no whip cream extra caramel


    double chocolate chip


    white chocolate mocha w/peppermint

  26. i always get the biggest size....Cinnamon Dolce Latte with whip cream.
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