
Favorite Vodka?????

by  |  earlier

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My favorite vodka to drink it straight up, not to mix it with anything...just to have it in a cup full of ice is Absolute, because it's not strong to leave you drunk after a couple of shots, of course my first fav is Grey goose, then Stoli...any suggestions???




  1. I like stoli razberry with a splash of sprite or 7

  2. Grey Goose is so smooth and its an acceptable Vodka to one who is offered a drink.

  3. I think my favorite is Skyy

    I'm like you, I like to drink my vodka straight up.

  4. I like Skyy and Absolute, with Absolute being 1st. It's much smoother than most.

  5. Smirnoff Black, straight from the freezer

  6. absolute and grey goose, hands down!

  7. I like Absolut peach flavoured mixed with iced tea. Very tasty.

  8. it really depends  see i like cheap vodka loke gordans or pinsaft but sky is or shmerdoff is really good

  9. grey goosy get cha loooosy !!

  10. Yes try flavoured vodka's such as hot pepper vodka, cranberry, orange, lime, lemon. Try mixing the vodka's with different juices

  11. Anything under $11 for 1.75 liters.

    It's only to make you fall down, after all - why waste money of fancy stuff?

    If somebody else is buying - Ketel 1.

  12. I like Grey Goose and Belvedere but I hardly do vodka shots anymore since I got hooked on tequila but I like the occasional screwdriver or vodka 'n cranberry juice w/ a splash of pineapple juice.
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