
Favorite Way to Burst Balloons?

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Favorite Way to Burst Balloons?




  1. my favorite way is to get like 20 of em and put them in ur hand then stabnd under electrical wires outside let them go and they like explode. but the power may go out. there is another way too. i like to put them in a fire which is fun.

  2. well,

    in February I went to my friend Celina's house, for her birthday party. It was late and only me, Celina and my other friend Jayde were there so we decided to pop the balloons!

    Heres how,:

    We stepped on the baloons untill it got really fat and BOOMSEYE it would pop! I hoped this helped,

    So thats my favourite way.

    May God bless

  3. With darts, unless water balloons, then throw them!

  4. In fire, or with a firecracker, get a bunch and pile 'em them set 'em on fire. They go boom!

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