I have a blister on my right foot's arch (similar to this guy: http://www.lucidmedtec.com/images/blister-emu-oil-treatment.JPG but lower). I tried using those "2nd skin" type things (the ones with the sticky cushion and sticky plastic) and i didn't like them, they dont stick that good and after running when i take my socks off i notice that it has moved while i was running and my blister ends up getting bigger.
what do you guys think works best? i heard a couple things like:
duct tape
athletic tape
petroleum jelly or those body glide things
i wear cotton socks and plan on getting those moisture wicking ones with double layers for reduced friction, but idk if that's enough to prevent the blisters. I dont know if the problems is with my shoes (they're sorta new, been using for bout a week) and i only got the blister on my right foot. never had on on my left. they are running shoes though, and they're the ones suggested by the people in a specialty running store i went to.