
Favorite food? Italian--- mexican--- american- greek- or indian?

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Favorite food? Italian--- mexican--- american- greek- or indian?




  1. Mexican food hands down. It got a kick to it. I am not even Mexican descent.

  2. i know it's not on the list but my favorite food is hawaiian!

    but if i had to chose from the ones you gave it would definitely be mexican!

  3. French.........hands down.  The French brought us out from the old English Standards of cooking, heating, refrigeration, redefining methods of Old School Barbaric Cooking and brought a sense of class, elegance and a refined taste standard in it's infancy to what we are experiencing today.  Italian would be my choice from this Group, because French cooking wasn't really a choice, (in this question) but it just happened.  Italians used all the influences of their regions to create their dishes and like any region, we all have those bragging rights.  We, as Americans are SO very lucky to have a "melting pot" of so many food influences from all over the world here in one United States, that I think that  American Food is really "Worldly Food" and it's a tastier life with all of the creations we have to choose from.  The Spanish and Indian  influences have brought seasonings that we could only dream of, the Greeks brought us the Flavors of the Sea that we had no connection to and if we did, we had no idea how to cook it, back then. I love food, from everywhere and that's why I llook forward to everyday, to create something new from any and all regions of this World, it's an endless sea of flavors and learning!

  4. italian! pizza, duh! i like american too.

  5. latin

  6. Indian!

  7. Mexican is my fave. with so many flavors it is a taste-bud explosion. Spicy and sweet this is something you cant beat.

    except i tried this Mexican candy once and it tasted like cigarettes. ew. yuck

  8. I'll be biased and say Greek :P

  9. Traditional English.

  10. I really like italian :)

    I mean, that's just me.

    Mexican is good too (:

    I don't really eat chinese nor indian

  11. Only our dishes!

  12. Indian or mexican

  13. Italian is always the best choice

  14. Mexican..and Seafood.

    Is my favorite.

  15. You totally forgot about Japanese - and that is definitely the winner on my list... but if I had to chose from your selection I would say italian because they have really delicious fish dishes!

  16. Mexican! But I will admit, the Mexican I like is the Mexican American stuff that they don't really make in Mexico. But still....

  17. All of the above minus the American. American food in my opinion is bland and I LOVE Food! lol

    **Edit: How can you thumbs down an opinion?! d**n Trolls they're everywhere on YA!**

  18. Italian, love Italian! So much, I married one!

  19. It is hard to beat a good Italian meal.  You can have chicken, vegetables, veal, beef, pork or seafood as an entree, and have it with pasta, bread wine and cheese.  wow.... what a way to go.

  20. Italian, you can never go wrong!

  21. Toss up btw mexican and greek from those choices.

  22. I love Indian for it's fieriness and the French which counterbalances the spiciness of Indian by turning "la cuisine", so subtle!

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