
Favorite part in Harry Potter series? *spoiler warning*?

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I absolutely loved this series and I have sooo many favourite parts...

They would have to be:

When Fred and George fly away in book 5

When professor Snape dies and says, "" in book 7

(this made me cry my eyes out)

When Mrs. Weasley kills Bellatrix Lestrange and says, "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU B****!"

When Luna's room has the words "friends' connecting the pictures of the members of Dumbledore's army

When Neville kills Nagini

And so many more, too many to name. What are your favourite parts in the series??




  1. wen i realised snape liked harrys mother =0

  2. Book 7

    Mrs Weasley : Now all my children have been prefects!

    Fred and Goerge : What does that make us then? Neighbors?

    Thats funny!

  3. The friendship between the characters. I loved Sirius.

    My favorite part was in the last book when the whole school was getting ready to fight. The teachers were all doing their jobs to protect the school and the gargoyles were helping. It was a really good moment because they all pulled together.

  4. There are soo many of them, I can't think.  Many of mine that I can think of are in the 7th book just because I just listened to it on a long trip (I've read it before though).  It is just fresh in my mind.

    I like all of the above.  I liked Harry's long walk into the forest.  Not that it is a good part like the others.  It is just that she makes you feel so disconnected while at the same time you are just crying your eyes out because you know what happens next (well, sort of).  The writing is just awesome.

    I also loved when Percy shows up in the Room of Requirement, when George jokes about being holey, when Ron and Harry rescue Draco a second time in this book....I love the epilogue.  As for the last one, I have 3 kids and have had that very day myself.  The oldest, who gave the middle kid the hard time, the middle kid going to school and being nervous, the third (a red head) wanting to go.  I also have 2 boys and a girl.  I tear up and grin every time I read that part, but for my own reasons.

    I loved Fred and George throughout the books.  I liked the introduction of Tonks.  I liked when Ron thought he had Felix Felices.  I like some of the Dumbledorisms of sorts.  They are tiny in comparison, but they are the things that make you smile when he says them.  Scar-London Underground, Erised-ear muffs, etc.

    I loved it when Hagrid would say something he shouldn't have.

    and I'm sure there is more.

  5. I love ron weasley through the whole series! i think his character is hilarious. theres a part in book 5 with him and harry in their dorm that i always laugh at but i can't really remember - maybe something to do with ron's snoring? x

  6. Practically every scene with Fred and George in it. They are just hilariously awesome.

    "The Prince's Tale" *sob* That was fantastically depressing.

    When Ron and Hermione kissed in Book Seven, and Harry was all, "Now isn't the time!"

    Most of the scenes with Luna in it. She is awesome!


  7. YAY! another harry potter <3 fan.

    i have way too many to name.

    but i like all those parts in your question. lol

    oh wait. you also forgot. when snape said he always cared for harry.

  8. omg!

    The Prince's Tale and King's Cross Station chapters!

    When Harry found out he was a wizard.

    When H/G and H/R kissed!

    And everything else you listed!!!

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