
Favorite place to eat in LA?

by Guest67228  |  earlier

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What is your favorite place to go eat in LA?

I like In-n-out

Houstans and

California Pizza Kitchen




  1. El Torito

  2. King Taco......mmmm tacos

  3. Oh stop! You people are killing me!

    Try Philippes for killer french dip and occasional star sightings

    Off Vine for a nice dinner, a good class of wine or amazing brunch. (prepare to Valet though) Kinda has a similar feel to the Ivy but better food and less touristy.

    Or Lucy's El Adobe Cafe on Mid-Wilshire. I can't find the website. Yummy and great fun at night too. (Laid back - not a bar or scene)

  4. cpk , and islands

  5. Pinks Hot Dogs

  6. For simple pastas I love Farfalla on Hillhurst in Los Feliz. For steakhouses I like The Palm and Mortons, although i think Jar is the best.  Houston's IS always fun to go to.  For restaurant-style pizza I like Jones on Santa Monica Blvd and Prizzi's on Franklin.  Baja Buds has my favorite burritos (there's one on the Promenade). Someone mentioned the restaurant Off Vine. I only went there once but it was good.  There's lots of other good restaurants and plenty that i haven't been to, sadly!

  7. I like In-N-Out too. Its really good.

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