
Favorite ride at Disneyland???

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My top 5 favorite rides would have to be Splash mountain, Space mountain, Indiana jones, Pirates of the carabien, and peter pan because it's such a cute ride! which ones do you guys like???




  1. I would have to say Matterhorn

  2. i agree i like space and splash mountain but rockin rollercoaster is amazing. at disney world expedition everest is the best ride!!!

  3. Indiana Jones!!

    superb ride


  4. space mountain!!indiana jones...

  5. matterhorn by far

    best ride ever

  6. My top 5: Splash Mountain, its a small world, tower of terror, Matterhorn, and Dumbo (for my son!). :)

  7. I'd probably have to make a hard choice between the Rock n RollerCoaster and the Tower of Terror.

  8. There's so many

    Pirates of the Carribean

    Indiana Jones Adventure

    Space Mountain

    Big Thunder Mountain

    Splash Mountain

    Matterhorn Bobsleds

  9. My top 5 would have to be Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Mattahorn(sp), Jungle cruise, It's a Small World, and all the little kids rides(I guess that I more than 5 :)

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