
Favorite song lyric quotes and why?

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  1. "I lost everything I own

    I don't need it, can't you tell?

    Oh, all I truly need is you

    This disturbing make-believe's come true"

    natalie marie and 1cc- the spill canvas

    because i loveee that song, its really sad but cute at the same time because its about wanting someone you can't have or in the case of the song doesn't exist.

  2. There’s a need for spoken word but he thinks, in silence their actions are heard

    Share a pillow, stare so close the focus blurs

    Not an on the spot romantic, He found it hard to touch

    Couldn’t measure a feeling but when asked he said, “I love you very much”

    In an attempt to keep her happy, he held so much away

    Though he promised himself he’d tell her all of it someday.


    In a desperate search both night and day

    It only gets harder to find the words to say

    He knows in his heart, he could love her til the end

    If only from the start, he had been more open

    The image of himself in the reflection

    Says the clocks ticking down, if you want her, it’s got to happen

    He looks into himself, he stares into his heart

    He takes his wants and needs, he splits the two apart.

    song: warm breath on a winter window

    artist: thePeriscopes


  3. Kill Hannah - Scream

    Just the entire song tbh.

    I saw the clouds forming tornados in the sky

    The winter winds blew on Lake Michigan that night

    I carved your name into my arm so I would remember you

    Sometimes it hurts so bad I don't know what to say

    Enacting Sybil Vane in some tragic play

    So afraid that I can't ever explain

    So now I scream

    And hope it's a dream

    It's hard just to breathe

    When we say goodbye, oh

    I wanna sleep but there are nightmares when I try

    The birds are circling, I know the reasons why

    Maybe a sad song some time will make you remember me

    Somehow I feel that it's my destiny to fall

    Get dried and hung up on a gallery wall

    Holding on by just a thread to my heart

    So now I scream

    And hope it's a dream

    It's hard just to breathe

    When we say goodbye

    Oh, Scream

    It's not what it seem

    I still can't believe

    That we've said goodbye


    Oh, oh, oh

    From now on when I think of you I scream

  4. "Got the news today

    But they said I had to stay

    A little bit longer, and I'll be fine

    When I thought it all been done

    When I thought it all been said

    A little bit longer and I'll be fine

    You don't know what you've got untill its gone

    And you don't know what its like to feel so low

    And every time you lath you smile you glow

    You don't even know, know, know

    You don't even know......"

    A Little Bit Longer by Nick Jonas

    On the Jonas Brothers new album 'A Little Bit Longer' out in stores August 12th 2008

    I love this song cuz Nick wrote it about his diabetes and it shows his sweet and sensitive side. One more reason to love him!

  5. Carrie Underwood

    'Starts With Goodbye'

    I guess it's gonna have to hurt,

    I guess I'm gonna have to cry,

    And let go of some things I've loved,

    To get to the other side,

    I guess it's gonna break me down,

    Like falling when you try to fly,

    It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,

    Starts with goodbye.

    It's a raw truth that you don't get in very many songs now-a-days.

  6. Trace Adkins You're Gonna Miss This

    You're gonna miss this you're gonna want this back you're gonna with these days hadn't gone by so fast these are some good times so take a good look around you may not know this now but your gonna miss this.

    They are some of my favorite because i think we always get to a place where we cant wait till its over and once it is we indeed are goin to miss it. The other lyrics that go along with this song make it even better it just about the phases of your life.

  7. "Hello there, the angel from my nightmare

    The shadow in the background of the morgue

    The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley

    We can live like Jack and Sally if we want

    Where you can always find me

    We'll have Halloween on Christmas

    And in the night we'll wish this never ends

    We'll wish this never ends"

    --I Miss You by Blink182

    i know thats kind of long but i first heard this song on the radio a really long time ago and i fell in love with the lyrics and i just thought they were cute. also i like nightmare before christmas and songs that mention missing

  8. As far as I’m concerned,

    You’re just another picture to burn.

    There’s no time for tears

    I’m just sitting here planning my revenge

    i love song lyrics this collection is from a number to songs sorry there not listed here.

    But if you only knew me

    We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable

    Instead of just invisible

    A drop in the ocean

    A change in the weather

    I was praying that you and me might end up together

    Its like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert

    But i'm holding you closer than most,

    Cause you are my heaven.

    Its like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert

    But hold your breathe

    And hold onto your words

    Cuz talk is cheap

    what makes you think that you are invincible

    The whispers turn to shouting

    The shouting turns to tears

    Your tears turn into laughter

    And it takes away our fears

    I wish my life was a song

    cause songs they never die

  9. through the grape vine by marvin g*y

    i just love the song because when i was a child my parents played it all the time and my mother recently just passed away and when ever i hear that song it brings me back to when i was young and its something that will always make me happy nomatter how fast life may go

  10. "Who Knows" by Avril Lavigne

    It's a great song...Avril even performed it at the 2004 Olympics in Turin, Italy. It basically tells you to keep an optimistic spirit because "who knows what can happen" in life and you just gotta "do what you do and keep on laughin' ".

    It also relates to the Latin phrase "Carpe Diem" (Seize the Day)---live every moment like it's your last day/live life to the fullest, etc.


    Yeah Yeah Yeah-ya Yeah-ya

    Why do you look so familiar

    I could swear that I

    Have seen your face before

    I think I like that you seem sincere

    I think I'd like to get

    To know you a little bit more

    I think there's something more

    Life's worth living for

    Who knows what could happen

    Do what you do

    Just keep on laughing

    One thing's true

    There's always a brand new day

    I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

    Yeah Yeah Yeah-ya Yeah-ya

    How do you always have an opinion

    And how do you always find

    The best way to compromise

    We don't need to have a reason

    We don't need anything

    We're just wasting time

    I think there's something more

    Life's worth living for

    Who knows what could happen

    Do what you do

    Just keep on laughing

    One thing's true

    There's always a brand new day

    Who knows what could happen

    Do what you do

    Just keep on laughing

    One thing's true

    There's always a brand new day

    I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

    Find yourself

    'Cause I can't find you

    Be yourself

    Who are you?

    Find yourself

    'Cause I can't find you

    Be yourself

    Who are you?

    Who knows what could happen

    Do what you do

    Just keep on laughing

    One thing's true

    There's always a brand new day

    So you go and make it happen

    Do your best

    Just keep on laughing

    I'm telling you

    There's always a brand new day

    Who knows what could happen

    Do what you do

    Just keep on laughing

    One thing's new

    There's always a brand new day

    I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

  11. Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly across the sun,

    It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run

    And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.

    And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme

    To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind,

    I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're

    Seein' that he's chasing.

    The lyrics of a genius mind.

  12. Hello darkness, my old friend

    I've come to talk with you again

    Because a vision softly creeping

    Left its seeds while I was sleeping

    And the vision that was planted in my brain

    Still remains

    Within the sound of silence

    In restless dreams I walked alone

    Narrow streets of cobblestone

    'Neath the halo of a street lamp

    I turned my collar to the cold and damp

    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

    That split the night

    And touched the sound of silence

    And in the naked light I saw

    Ten thousand people, maybe more

    People talking without speaking

    People hearing without listening

    People writing songs that voices never share

    And no one dared

    Disturb the sound of silence

    "Fools", said I, "You do not know

    Silence like a cancer grows

    Hear my words that I might teach you

    Take my arms that I might reach you"

    But my words, like silent raindrops fell

    And echoed

    In the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed

    To the neon god they made

    And the sign flashed out its warning

    In the words that it was forming

    And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

    And tenement halls"

    And whispered in the sounds of silence

  13. "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

    Great song, great lyric, wrong band.  It is actually Semi-sonic.

    My favorite lyric:

    "And in many degrees of heat

    The fire looked at the meat

    And said 'if I cook you

    The least you can do

    Is lay there and be sweet' "

                             - Masters of Reality, "Kill The King", 1988

  14. "I only want sympathy in the form of you crawing into bed with me"  fall out boy- dance, dance.

    I love love that song, and that line just sticks out in my mind. I can never got bored of that song!

    Also "he tastes like you only sweeter" thanks for the memorys...

    I just like it :)

  15. bob marley has the best quote ever:

    1, Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.

    2.Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.

    3.Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight.

    4.I don't stand for the black man's side, I don' t stand for the white man's side.I stand for God's side.

    5 In this bright future you can't forget your past.

    6;Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!

    7.Man is a universe within himself.

    8.My music will go on forever. Maybe it's a fool say that, but when me know facts me can say facts. My music will go on forever

    9.One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

    10.The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.

    11,When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open.

    12.You have to be someone.

    there mannnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy more

  16. "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls"

    The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

  17. Imagine there's no heaven

    It's easy if you try

    No h**l below us

    Above us only sky

    Imagine all the people

    Living for today...

    Imagine there's no countries

    It isn't hard to do

    Nothing to kill or die for

    And no religion too

    Imagine all the people

    Living life in peace...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can

    No need for greed or hunger

    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people

    Sharing all the world...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will live as one

    if only we could change the world john, if only :(

  18. Hero by Mariah Carey

    'And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you'

    it is so inspirational and heartfelt which has provided me with comfort and hope to me through the bad times.

    it's a song that can relate to so many people.

    after the September 11 tragedy the song means so much more- all of the firemen, police and victims were heroes.

    We're always going to live in a world where there are tragedies. Everyday someone has to be the hero.

  19. 'If i could find you now, things would get better, we could leve this town and run for ever"- Yellow Card (Song is called Oceane Avenue)

    'Let me light up this sky, light it up for you

    Let me tel you why, why id die for you" - Once again Yellow Card( song is called light up the sky)

    You can stand under my Umbrella ela- Rhianna(song is called umbrella)

    Forever on the dance floor- sung by Chris Brown and song is called Forever

    Good Luck:P

  20. "Don't believe it till you've held it

    Life is seldom what it seems

    But lay your heart upon the table,

    And in the shuffling of dreams,

    Remember who on earth you are"

    Greg Lake, Emerson Lake and Palmer

    I have this phrase next to my picture in my grade 13 yearbook.

    It reminds us all to be humble.

  21. Title: Hear my heart

    Song Artist: Nikki Gil

    here i am talking to myself again

    trying to figure out

    what i've been doing wrong

    Let me know where all of my love should go

    why all the hurt and the pain and the tears

    i can't show

    i've tried so hard to walk away

    but baby this i have to say

    hear my heart,crying in silence

    it hurts so much

    trying to rum from your smile your touch

    waiting,pretending,this game's a waste

    knowing you just can't be mine...


    reason: i am olweiz talking to myself,i am trying to figure out why do he keep on ignoring me..while we're still bestfriends.,he keeps on showing sweetness as if.,he and i have a relationship.,bc0z of dat.,i fell inluv.,now.,everytime we see each other.,there's no communication.,my heart is crying in silence..whenever i see his smile.,with the other girls.,i just pretend that.,there's nothing wrong.,but deep inside,.,am dying.,

  22. tupac:

    "Dear momma don't cry, your baby boy's doin good

    Tell the homies I'm in heaven and they ain't got hoods

    Seen a show with Marvin Gaye last night, it had me shook

    Drippin peppermint Schnapps, with Jackie Wilson, and Sam Cooke

    Then some lady named Billie Holiday

    Sang sittin there kickin it with Malcolm, 'til the day came

    Little LaTasha sho' grown

    Tell the lady in the liquorstore that she's forgiven, so come home

    Maybe in time you'll understand only God can save us

    When Miles Davis cuttin lose with the band

    Just think of all the people that you knew in the past

    that passed on, they in heaven, found peace at last

    Picture a place that they exist, together

    There has to be a place better than this, in heaven

    So right before I sleep, dear God, what I'm askin

    Remember this face, save me a place, in thug's mansion"

    its like tupac new he was going to die... so he decided to make a song and thought about all the great musicians that past away long ago... and imagined himself doing things with these great artist.. i really like his music because it poetic .. minus the swearing and the violence.. but overall his good

  23. "If I could turn back time, If I could find a way"  by Cher.

    We are all wiser after the events have been and gone. I think its only natural to reflect on our lives and what might have been if we were perhaps wise before the event happened that we might be a little nostalgic over, Don't you?

  24. The Man Song by Sean Morey, totally hilarious, tongue in cheek lyrics

    I don't take no c**p from anybody! ... else but you.

    I wear the pants around here!...when I'm finished with your laundry.

    'Cause I'm a guy you don't want to fight! ... when I say "jump" you say "yeah, right".

    I'm the man of this house! ... until you get home.

    What I say goes around here! ... right out the window.

    And I don't want to hear a lot of whining! ... so I'll shut up.

    The sooner you learn who's boss around here! ... the sooner you can give me my orders, dear.

    'Cause I am the head honcho! ... but it's all in my head.

    And I can have s*x anytime! ... that you want.

    'Cause I'm a man who has needs! ... but they're not that important.

    And don't expect any flowers from me! ... because if I'm not mistaken you prefer jewelry.

    I'm the king of my castle! ... when you're not around.

    And I'll drink and watch sports whenever I want! ... to get into trouble.

    And I'll come home when I'm good and ready! ... to sleep on the couch.

    Because a man's got to do what a man's got to do! ... and I'm going to do what you tell me to.

    Because I'm top dog around here! ... but I've been neutered!

  25. "When you look me in the eyes,

    And tell me that you love me.

    Everything's alright,

    When you're right here by my side.

    When you look me in the eyes,

    I catch a glimpse of heaven.

    I find my paradise,

    When you look me in the eyes."

    When You Look Me In The Eyes- Jonas Brothers.

    Because it sums up everything I feel and think about my boyfriend.  I could never immagine coming up with anything as fitting..

  26. And So It Goes by Billy Joel  This song breaks my heart when I hear it.  It is about his divorce from Christy Brinkley.

    In every heart there is a room

    A sanctuary safe and strong

    To heal the wounds from lovers past

    Until a new one comes along

    I spoke to you in cautious tones

    You answered me with no pretense

    And still I feel I said too much

    My silence is my self defense

    And every time I've held a rose

    It seems I only felt the thorns

    And so it goes, and so it goes

    And so will you soon I suppose

    But if my silence made you leave

    Then that would be my worst mistake

    So I will share this room with you

    And you can have this heart to break

    And this is why my eyes are closed

    It's just as well for all I've seen

    And so it goes, and so it goes

    And you're the only one who knows

    So I would choose to be with you

    That's if the choice were mine to make

    But you can make decisions too

    And you can have this heart to break

    And so it goes, and so it goes

    And you're the only one who knows

  27. As far as the entire song, and its meaning, I'd say Eric Clapton's "Change The World".

    As far as one single line, I'd say the opening from Paul Simon's "Kodachrome":  

    "When I think back on all the c**p I learned in High School,

    It's a wonder I can think at all."

  28. umm don't mean to be an @$$ but closing time is by favorite lyric is from yellow ledbetter by Pearl Jam.  Most of the song is d**n near impossible to understand.  But right before the solo Eddie Vedder murmurs "make me cry" then he solo kicks in and i d**n near cry every time

  29. This world will never be

    what i expected

    And if i don't belong

    who would've guessed it

    -Never too late

    3 days grace

    I look around me

    and all i seem to see

    is people going nowhere

    expecting sympathy

    its like we're going through the motions

    of a scripted destiny

    tell me where's our inspiration

    if life won't wait, i guess its up to me

    -When I'm Gone

    Simple plan

    You cried i'd wipe away all of your tears

    you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears

    and i held your hand through all of these years

    - My Immortal, Evanescence

  30. Beatles - Come Together:

    'Got to be good looking cause it's so hard to see' - it's a very interesting line about why people want to be good looking and that it is to blend in and not stand out.

    Sarah McLaughlin - Angel:

    'Spend all your life waiting for that second chance

    A break that will make it OK

    There's always some reason

    To feel not good enough

    And it's hard at the end of the day'

    Just very beautiful, sad lyrics that I can relate to. It also tells you to value life because it's so fragile and that there is always a reason to feel like we are not good enough but maybe we need to stop thinking about that and see the bigger picture! This song is played at so many soldiers funerals and was played at the Bali Bombing memorial for the victims.

  31. Vindicated

    I am selfish

    I am wrong

    I am right

    I swear I'm right

    Swear I knew it all along

    And I am flawed, but I am cleaning up so well

    I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

    Yeah, it's long. It's vindicated by dashboard confessional. I love this song because he realizes he's done wrong and he's picking himself back up. And Chris Carrabba's voice is s**y. :)

    You should also check out Best of Me by Sum 41. It's really meaningful and deep. It's just I could tell you a sample of it and you still wouldn't be getting the big picture of the song because every part of that song is important and if I posted all the lyrics on here it would be way too long.. but it's an amazing song.

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