
Favorite <span title="book?????????????????????????????????">book?????????????????????...</span>

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what's your favorite book?




  1. Favorite book is The Giver

    I also love all of the Nicholas Sparks books (esp. Three Weeks With My Brother), the Twilight Series, and the Harry Potter Books

  2. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

  3. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks.

    My favorite book changes now and then, depending on how I feel. I don&#039;t have a favorite book of all time.

  4. the twilight series

    maximum ride

    harry potter series

  5. The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux.


  6. TWILIGHT SAGA &lt;3


  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!

  8. My favorite Series is the Twilight Series.

    I Know I Know how Cliche but they are great, if you don&#039;t believe me read them for yourself.

  9. i love to read Nicholas Sparks books, try to read &quot;the Lucky One&quot;, and Paulo Coelho&#039;s &quot;The Alchemist&quot;...

  10. the hostt :]

  11. The Twlight series is good, but so is anything by Meg Cabot, ot Sarah Dessen. One I really love is Wuthering High by Cara Lockwood, and no its not Wuthering Heights, and it&#039;s not like an old book. It&#039;s a great love story.

  12. My favourite book is the one where EVERYBODY ASKS THE SAME GOD d**n FRICKIN&#039; QUESTIONS ALL THE F**K!NG TIME.

  13. &#039;The Little Prince&#039; by antoine de saint expury.

  14. The Harry Potter series.

    May I comment on something off the subject. Look you first Twilighter, capitalizing each and every letter in the sentence, doesn&#039;t mean you&#039;re using correct grammar.

  15. Hmmm.

    I don&#039;t really read that nuch but ny favorite book is the Gregor the Overlander series.

    I think that it is very interesting, and has intresting characters.

    I strongly suggest that you read it.  

  16. hmm...magazines?

  17. The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

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