
Favourite Animal ?

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Favourite Animal ?




  1. cheetah

  2. i love panda bears

  3. Tigers!!!

  4. rabbit

  5. Squirrel

  6. Wolves and snakes.

  7. duck-billed platypus!!

  8. My favourate animal is a dog. They are humans' best friend and my dog is mybest  friend. I still have loads of human friends though.

  9. Wild animal would be the Giraffe.  The Giraffe is the only animal on the planet with no natural enemies.  Also, a Giraffe doesn't worry about attacks from Lions, Tigers, etc. that often because one swift kick from a Giraffe can kill a large cat.  And the large cats are not tall enough to reach any vital organs on a Giraffe. (just some interesting info there :)

      Domestic, is a dog.  Dogs are smart, and give unconditional love.  They don't care if you are short, tall, fat skinny.  They don't care if you have money, bad breath, or pimples.  They love you anyway.  Hum???  Wish more men were like dogs!!!

      Anyhoo, thats my answer!

    Have a great day!!!

  10. Lions and grey wolves. Snakes and rats are close seconds.

    Swezna T, I'm guessing you're American. Here in the UK 'favourite' is the correct spelling.

    Unappreciated, giraffes do have natural enemies. Calves are killed by lions, hyenas and leopards, and prides of lions can and do take down adult giraffes (you're right that they don't worry about attacks from tigers though - giraffes are found in Africa, whilst tigers are from Asia). A giraffe's kick can indeed kill a lion, but by dodging these kicks and working together, the pride can fell, kill and eat a giraffe. Just look on YouTube - there are numerous videos of these hunts there.

  11. Beautiful fish :):):)

  12. Butterfly.

    Because that's what my boyfriend calls me :)

  13. My blue healer chocolate lab dog.

  14. the word favorite is spelled wrong.the way i wrote it is favorite animal is a butterfly because it lights the world.

  15. Any kind of cat from the Kod-Kod of South America to the Siberian Tiger of Russia and Manchuria.

  16. I love all cats and if tigers were tame I would certainly have one.

  17. a Liger

  18. Chow chow

  19. Lion. ♥


    better yet...

    Your  mom.♥


  20. I basically like all carniovorans. cheetahs, Ethiopian wolves, wolverines, tigers, painted dogs, otters

  21. Meercat sooo coool !!!

  22. California Condor

  23. The a Leopard on steroids.

  24. Horses, I go horseback riding as a hobby, horses are very sensitive creatures and they are really fun to be around.

  25. Turtle, yah im serious lol i looove turtles :D

  26. Giraffes are weapons (:
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