
Favourite childhood games?

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Just wondering what your favourite childhood games were. Actual GAMES, not video games. I liked hide and seek a lot, but also those weird little games with unusual rules we used to make up on the playground. Our playground had a multi-coloured floor, so one game was like "Let's play Tag, but you can only get people while they're on the green, blue is home and red is lava" (Red was between blue and green so you had to jump over it to get home).

What were your favourite childhood games?




  1. Well a game me and my friends would like is capture the flag.I loved that game. haha

    Well I hoped that helped!


  2. Me and my brother and sister always use to play monsters

    this is where on person would be it and he or she would be the monster

    if you got tagged you became a monster so you had to get everyone tagged

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