
Favre has been reinstated...If GB doesn't want him where will he end up?

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Favre has been reinstated...If GB doesn't want him where will he end up?




  1. Minnesota or Chicago but more than likely the Jets

  2. he needs to stay in the cold weather so he can stay preserved. He'll melt if he comes to Florida.

    I love Brett, but retire already and save ur bod.

  3. Well i personally believe the best fit for him is Minnesota but i still feel that the packers arent willing to do that....If not them i believe it will be the Bucs or Jets....out of those two i think the Bucs could use him more but im not sure he would choose them out of the two.

  4. He can end up back home, being paid under the terms of his contract.  The Packers could trade him, or they could release him outright and make him a free agent (but why do that when you can get some value in return), but they are not required to do either.  They can park him on the bench if they like.  If they feel he's becoming a distraction, they can suspend him with pay, effectively sending him home.  By the way, any 'distractions' are media-driven events.  Controversies are media-driven, if not media-created in the first place.  It would only be the media circus surrounding the team that would cause the problems; Favre himself, with no media around, would either do what the Packers told him to do, or re-retire.

    I think he'll be traded to an AFC team.  Rumors suggest the Jets, but I'd like to see him in Buffalo.

  5. maybe tampa if garcia's injury turns out to be worse than expected

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