
Fear factor?

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what causes cagers to be afraid of bikers? you can see them gaping at you behind the safety of their windows. its like we are the freaks on the highways and byways of the world. do you think that we are willing to take more risks than a cager by being on 2 wheels? thus the fear of us?????? what gives???????




  1. That's from the 50 movies of biker gangs.  They still have biker gangs.

    There are no scooter gangs. So people are not afraid of scooter riders (even the big 500cc scooters).

    Good Luck...

  2. i think its more admiration than anything. ppl look at me on my little kawi vulcan 500 similarily to what u describe. i think they just like the bike and ppl look badass on them.

  3. My bike makes me feel evil, so I must be intimidating.

  4. Blame Roger Corman

  5. I dont know but I know some neat Christian bikers though. My take on it? I think teens are afraid because they cant pull any punches with you guys.

  6. I think it is because they don't see us (or don't look out for us) - I regularly ride through a city that is 100% retirement homes (Sun City Arizona) and watch the reactions of some of the older crowd when bikes pass them.  They act like it just appeared out of nowhere.

  7. Hollyweed & the rep we were trying so hard to build 30 or 35 years ago

  8. Fear of the unknown.

    What we do, many never contemplate.

    I do know this: I drove the wife's minivan yesterday, and an old $%#$^&(&* pulled out in front of me. His drive intersects the midpoint of a nasty curve at an intersection downtown (small town). When I hit the horn, he leans out the window with a "beep,beep" like it was some kinda joke.

    I am 100% certain it wouldn't have happened if I was riding.

    (and if it did, it would never happen again)

    Oh, was that where you were going with that?

  9. All those old movies, and today, the cruiser guys still try to maintain that image all dressed in black with shades mean mugging. Mild mannered dentist during the week, bad *** biker on the weekends.

    Personally when we stop on the side of the road we wave and smile at passing motorist, its amazing to see their expressions change from loathing to those are some nice guys. I think other groups should adopt something more like what we do and do their damnedest to bury that old rebel image, because its not helping.
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