
Fear i cant understand?

by Guest64789  |  earlier

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im afriad of deep water over 20 feet yes i can swim i swam for high school and all year round but when i swam in a lake i get freaked out when the water is really deep i dont understand i dont panic but i just get scared i dont get why?




  1. then never swim in a lake and buy a pool at toysrus for $20 bucks

  2. Might be a fear of not knowing what is underneath you. I feel the same way but doesn't stop me from going in the water but more so is just always in my mind. When I was younger I knew it was impossible but always wondered if something big was right below me but without being 100% sure by seeing down there it freaked me out a bit.

  3. I get it.

    You fear whats IN the water, not the water itself.

    Are you afriad of sharks or big fish??

    When its that deep, who knows what is wimming underneath you.

    I get goosebumps just thinking about it!!!

  4. Not a psychiatrist.  But it might be a repressed memory that had something to do with water.  You should think back maybe something happen you're blocking out.  Of course, you could let it go.  But if you're like me you want to figure this out.

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