
Fear of Cars/Driving (serious answers only, please)?

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I am 20 years old and within the past two years I have developed a serious fear of being in a vehicle, no matter if I am the one driving, or if I am in the passenger seat. I know this sounds a little bit ridiculous that I have developed this fear as a young adult, but it is true. When I was 9, I was in a fatal car accident. two of the passengers (and my family members) were killed. From that time up until I was 18, I had been in over a dozen car accidents all ranging from little fender benders to fatal. My fear is intruding on my personal relationships, my fiance, my best friends, even my own father. I feel like no one can understand where I'm comming from, and I have no idea how to overcome my fear.




  1. You need a psychologist   .   This fear will not go away untreated ,, sorry you have had these traumatic experiences

  2. it is understandable that you would have been afraid as you saw people that you loved die in something so fatal as a car crash.Being afraid of cars or driving in one is known as  amaxophobia. You should look up the internet and read about it and see what is the best thing you should do to overcome your fear.Hope it helps.

  3. I would imagine your doctor would have all these details on his record, which would save a lot of explanation on such a tragic way to start your life.  I would see your doctor and explain that this is effecting your life.  He/she can recommend or refer you to someone trusted in helping you out, and make life a bit more comfortable.

    A lot of people have been effected by tragic accidents like yours, so you are not alone.  Maybe after some time with a specialist it may be recommended on a couple of driving lessons, like suggested earlier, just to gain more understanding of a car and other vehicles, and how it can be safe to be in a car, but that would probably take some time to get to that stage.

    Explain to your friends, family and fiance that it's not their fault you have this fear, but would appreciate their support when it's needed (which they will happily give anyway - that's why they are so close to you).

    Good luck, and I hope you find peace eventually :)

  4. im kinda like if im walkin up a street n a car comes from behind me i get so nervous...

  5. AMBZ,  I have not been in your position but I have known of many people Ware in your positins with one thing or another so I know what you are going true altho I have never been true


    What I have seen been done to other people on the Tele. and

    even in person is ink you should fiend a person who does hitmotising and they could help you, because that I have seen & herd been done to other people and they have been qured

    of FEAR OF  FLYING IN  AIR  PLAINS, Been in the same room with cat, a Chicken, even certain kind of some thing to eat, and many tipes of things that most of us take for granteed

    so I knows very well what you are going true my Dear and you

    are even worst because you have been in more than one of those accidents so you are even worst than most people because you must be having Nitemairs many nights.

    I would tell you to fiend one of those hitmotist and get some help because I am shoure and very shoure that you can be halp so go and fiend it & take it befor it's too late, my Dear!.



  6. I know where you're coming from. I don't even drive.

  7. i drive for a living and i have find that people in most accidents it not there fault and it sound like your in that bracket . i had your fear what i did was i learned to drive every thing with wheels and  carried on training after i got a pass .like skid pad training any advices training and even training thorw police

  8. Only the weak ones think that they're too "good" for consulting. Go find a psycholigst; they help A LOT.

    Hope this helps!~~~

  9. it sounds serious enough to be considered a phobia, in which case psychiatric therapy would probably be a good idea

  10. I can only sympathise, but after the major accident at a young age, how the h**l were you unlucky enough to be involved in another dozen incidents since?

    The fear in your case is entirely rational, I suggest you seriously either don't use cars at all or seek some counselling.

  11. i agree with counseling and i would also try getting some driving lessons to help boost your confidence with the whole driving experiance. i myself was in an acident and was seriously injured. i took some lessons just to give me support when i got back on the road.

  12. O my that's awful... I was in a fatal accident & I lost my grandmother when I was 10 was so scared up until I was about 15. I wore my seatbelt even if I drove down to check the mail. I suggest you pray about it (no matter you religion) and talk to people about it I assure you it's not ridiculous and you are not alone.

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