
Fear of choking stops me from swallowing pills?

by  |  earlier

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When I was like 3 I choked on a piece of celery and ever since then I have been really afraid of choking (I chew my food way more than necessary). Because of this, I can't swallow pills. I've tried many times, but my fear kicks in and I have to spit it out. Any tips? thanks! <3




  1. try deepthroat

  2. They sell pill crushers. Put it in a spoonfull of applesauce, jello or ice cream. Lots  of people are like that.

    I&#039;m not sure I&#039;d do the water. You don&#039;t want to dillute your meds.

    People who have had stroke can not always swallow..

    Try it !!


  3. i all so have the same problem with swallowing pills i hate it coz i cant take pain killers i got told to put in in some water or mix it in with some food good luck  

  4. I used to be able to swallow pills no problem as a kid, then I admired this one friend of mine who stated she couldn&#039;t swallow pills; I then just &quot;forgot&quot; how to take pills. I finally learned how to take pills just 3 weeks ago. Because, I can put my fingers down my throat, without gagging, I grab the pill between my index and thumb, put my fingers down and drop it in my mouth and swallow. And then I take a sip of water. It&#039;s alot easier now for me, it&#039;s definetly way better than having to crush the pill, put it in pudding, putting it in water, or just plainly chewing the pill.

  5. try breaking the pills into smaller pieces.

    or dissolving it totally in water.

    personally i just chuck down a load of water to make sure it goes down.

  6. I can&#039;t ever swallow pills and it really annoys me cos when I get cramps I end up having Calpol (liquid paracetamol for children hehehe) but it doesn&#039;t really help with anything.

    Er anyway, I used to be able to just about swallow pills but I had to snap them in half - the circular ones snapped in half are easier to swallow than the longer ones.

    If you attempt to take painkillers in pill form I reccomend (well, if you live in the u.k. I do!) Neurofen meltlets - you don&#039;t have to swallow them whole. They taste a bit naff but it&#039;s better than choking!

    Hope this helps  :)

    Stace   x

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