
Fear of deep water and being outback surfing?

by Guest57409  |  earlier

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was getting so good in the summer surfing on small glass 3ft now find myself having to paddle and sit on the board. with out touching the floor at all and im wondering is there away to over come this panic i get sumtimes as i love being out there behind the waves???




  1. maybe try freediving at some of the places you surf.  ive done that to scope places out before.  just swim out in fins and a mask if you have it, and see how deep you can swim.  its fun, a good workout, and it might make you more comfortable in deeper water.  hope that helps

  2. Just watch JAWS a couple of times...that will do the trick.

  3. um i think that the best way to get over the fear of not having the floor beneath ur feet is to just keep going out until u get over it

    plus all the good sets break outside of the break zone and u usually dont have to duckdive under if u are a little further out.

    i wouldnt worry about whats under u too much unless u live in an area where there are bloodthirsty sharks or something

    if u are worried about whats down there poke ur head down every now and then to make sure that everything is fine

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