
Fear of driving???

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I always have a problem holding the wheel, people say i hold it too much to the right, they tell me to keep it to the left, but when i do that i always think i'll go to the left lane and people on the left lane will hit me, i cant seem to conqur this fear is this normal??? =[




  1. People have all kinds of driving fears. Why don't you try driving off road for awhile? Make a course with cans or some sort of tape like caution tape. Many driver's test areas will let you practice there after hours. That's a ready made course. Make sure you are not watching your hands. I had that problem. It'll get easier. Good luck

  2. I haven't read the other answers yet, but as a Driving Instructor, I can tell you that it is normal to grip the steering wheel too hard and "fight" the steering.

    When I observe a student gripping the steering wheel too tightly, they usually end up travelling too much to the left or the right......(also remember to LOOK where you want the car to go.....your hands and feet follow your eyes, and that's how your brain works)....

    When I see this happening, I suggest when driving in a straight line, they use only their thumb and forefinger to steer with their hands at the 3 oclock and 9 oclock position on the steering wheel of the car. This will result in a "lighter" touch on the wheel. Once you become more comfortable with driving in a straight line, stopping and starting, and repeating this over and over in a quiet area (i.e. large parking lot or quiet residential street), then you can resume holding the wheel with both "hands" again.

    Of course you will need both "hands" to turn corners (no palming of the wheel, now!).....

    Enjoy learning this life skill......develop safe habits (shoulder checking BEFORE turns and lane changes, checking mirrors and speed often, etc) will be driving yourself places for the next 50 years or more!

    Oh, there will be other "challenges" in learning to drive too.....after all this is something new you are learning, not unlike a new sport or have to learn and master these new skills, and form safe habits through practice, practice, and more practice...........heck, I've been teaching driving lessons for 35 years now both in busy city and rural environments,  and once in a while, I STILL learn something new, or have a new experience!

  3. Well, just hold it straight! Or is your car that sucky and when you hold it straight it veers off somewhere? If it's a relatively new and good car, it should go straight as long as the wheel is straight.

  4. its not normal and you need to get over it or stop driving.

  5. get comfortable with your car...even if that means just sitting in it or driving around a parking will come with time

  6. I am still 15, but I have had thoughts about that too seeing as I'll be able to get my L's end by next year. Whenever I see another driving, I've thought to myself, how do you know whether you are not too far in the left lane, or too far in the right lane? So I think it is normal. I think the problem is you are thinking too hard. Relax, breathe. Maybe you shouldn't listen to me seeing as I don't have experience at all from driving, but many line your eyes up with your side of the lane. And remember drivers on either side of you are also on alert so they will know to move a little if you are in their way.

    Good luck!

  7. not if you are a new driver

  8. The best advice I ever had when learning how to drive is to keep my eyes on the road ahead and not think about steering the car so much.  One I did that, the rest was smooth sailing.

  9. I'm a truck driver and I when I first started I had that problem too, just look at the lines on each side of you and as long as you don't cross over them you are fine simple as that take a long drive somewhere and you will get better. Ignore all these up tight people

  10. Drive more and you will learn the boundaries of the car over time.

    For extra fun, try driving through a construction zone where there's no room at all to either side!

  11. if you're a starter then yea if not no.

    you'll learn that just as you won't hit oncoming traffic on your left lane they won't hit you. try not to think about it too much when you're driving and try to relax.

  12. Whoever says it's abnormal has some sort of ego, really. I was a coward in driving until when I was about 20 years old (although I got my licence at age 17), I dared myself to drive after I went to Kuala Lumpur, the City of "Acceptance" (Asian Standard).

    I got myself up to fulfilling the enthusiasm of driving manual transmission, and also the hook to Test-drives. I've driven more than 50 types of cars already... And now, as an automotive personnel, I have more than just driving experience but also diagnosis and repairs experience...

  13. Do you feel comfortable with the people who are beside you or teaching you to drive?

    When I started driving, my dad would teach me and I was a nervous wreck (the screaming and backseat driving doesn't help).  So after 3 days of terrible driving, i took the car out for a spin without anyone and got to drive perfectly.  I did it for a week and learned at my own pace.

    I would suggest you go to someplace clear and try driving by yourself or find a more suitable instructor.  I used to teach people (particularly women) to drive and I always tell them to relax.

    Most times they can't keep their lane straight or turn perfectly but I don't say anything.  The only time I say anything is to tell them to relax or to stop (before we hit something).  They learn faster because they are not pressured too much.

    Note that these women are the same women who came out of 1 month driving school and still can't drive because the moment they hold the steering wheel they started to sweat.  On average, 1 week is enough.  ^_^

  14. stop thinking too much and relax.
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