
Fear of food my husband dont like

by  |  earlier

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My husband has a fear of cheeze whiz. He tells me Never ever buy it because bad things happen when he has it around. He is very serious and i guess the last time he had cheeze whiz around the back of his car burnt and some other stuff happened but he blames it on cheeze whiz because he had that around at the time that this stuff happened. He is driving me up the wall, i told him get over he tells me to get over stuff but he gets mad when i tell him to stop.




  1. you know, maybe your husbands fear of the cheez whiz is really part of a bigger problem. he may have an undiagnosed mental condition, and he may require counselling and perhaps medication. there is nothing to be ashamed of, but he will have a much happier life if he gets these uncontrollable fears under control. i realize how hard it is for men to talk about these things with their doctors, but maybe he would feel better if you came with him. sometimes we have to help our men a bit.

  2. Well, if I loved my husband, I would do without cheese-whiz. And probably eat it on the sly....but not in the

  3. I'm sorry. You need to dump your crazy husband and keep the cheeze whiz. Cheeze Whiz is the s.hi.t

  4. He obviously just thinks cheese is bad luck. Maybe he thinks cheese will affect yours or his welfare.  

  5. Hey

    I think he should go see a professional about this. The last thing you should say is get over it, unless if the Doctor says its not a mental illness. In that case, keep buying it and show him its fine, put it everywhere in the house. He will realise its a peacefull container full of goodness.

  6. just buy some and put it up out of sight out of mind

  7. Have patience... If you love him try to help him with this. It might sound like a joke to you but to him it is probably a very serious issue, you really don't know how he is feeling on the inside. I'm going through some major depression and my husband just doesn't understand and that's making it even worse for me....  


  9. Honestly, you need to get him over his fear. Repeatedly tell him Cheeze Whiz won't do anything to him, what about the other things that were around when that happened? It wasn't the cheeze, and he knows that but won't accept it. Buy Cheeze Whiz, and tell him it won't hurt him and nothing bad will happen if it is in the house

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