
Fear of getting ill?

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I've had a fear of getting ill small-scale (cold, stomach problems...) for about a year now.

Lately I've been getting better about catching a cold or something...

But since I heard about a case of TB near me, I'm terrified of it. I can't say the name of it out loud, I suspect everyone I see of having it, I get pains in my chest because I'm imagining having it (I do that a lot- give myself what I think are the symptoms of something. I know that these phantom symptoms aren't the real thing)

It's really messing me up and I don't know what I'll do if it comes up again in someone I know.

I've had the vaccine but it's only upto 70% effective...




  1. This is worry! And what you do with worry is put it into two categories. Things you can change and things you can not change. If you can not change it you forget it. If you can change it then you take action...

    You need to take action.

    I used to have the same worries and fears. To the point of panic.

    You have to see this for what it is. Unrealistic fear. Ask yourself are you generally healthy? Do you take care of yourself? Go get a physical. Then when you start to think of illness say to yourself. Wait a minute... I take care of myself. I an in good health, I just got a physical.  I am not going to worry I do all the things in need to do.

    Worry is what will make me sick is has a negative affect on the immune system.

    Then speak the positive to yourself. I am health, I had the physical. I take care of myself. I have a healthy mind and body.

    See the mind does not know the difference between real and imagined fear.So it is up to you to decide is this a real symtpom or imagined. If it is real then take care of it go to the doctor.

    Pretty soon you will have one of these thoughts, and you will recognize it for what it is. unrealistic thinking. Then you can say. Oh, that was just a thought, I am healthy!

  2. What you are suffering from is an exaggerated ego. The antidote is to put others first as much as possible. Practice being kind. Do it with good heart though or it won't work, you could give everything you own away but if you do it for something in return it won't help you. Make it your goal to make at least one person happy each and every day. Then make two people happy if that is too easy. Before long you won't have given your health a seconds thought other than what is normal.  
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