I've read lots of reasons why adoptive mothers have adopted thier children--'always wanted to adopt' or 'couldn't have my own'. One I've read about is odd-Tocophobia.*
"Tocophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of childbirth.
A phobia is an unreasonable fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder. Phobias can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy using exposure and fear reduction techniques. In many cases, anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medication proves helpful, especially during the early stages of therapy."
If a person is too afraid/scared of pregnancy and/or childbirth so much that they'd adopt another woman's child, what does that say about her mental health?
Should having tocophobia be a good enough reason to adopt? Or should potentail parents who have 'abnornal' phobias seek treatment instead of expecting kids to 'fix' their mental issues?