
Fear of high school?

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high school for me starts on the 3rd of September and thats in like 2 weeks. im really scared about going to high school i really need some encouragement.





  1. Oh no please dont be scared of high school.(Im so chucking jeoulous of you by the way) That is like the best time of your life. Trust me just be yourself and hang out with the right people.Its nothing to be scared about.It goes fast and your going to miss it A LOT (trust me) If you need anything you can email me,Im real good with advice of high school stuff. But yeah definitely that period in your life is totally unforgettable and when its all said and done you will definitely want it back. Because of my high school,Ive had great opportunities to have traveled to Maine and Boston. Its like a huge adventure (dude thanks for trying to make me cry) Well yeah everyone who treated you badly you will want that back and everyone who treated you nicely youll want them right there. Youll make really good friends along the way.Its like honestly nothing to be scared about if you concentrate and stay out of trouble you'll be really fine.(I know what Im talking about) High school is a really important time in your life simply because it teaches you a lot about the person you are and who you will never want to be.Its like an ongoing learning experience and you cant honestly be scared about that.Life is made up of courage and in order to overcome fear you have to be willing to face it.Face what will make you stronger. Im not trying to tell you what you want to hear,Im telling you the truth about high school. Alrigh take care,Hope I helped,if you need a mentor for your high school years,Im here,so dont hesitate to email me!!!

  2. I'm a freshman. [:

    I started school July 28.

    I was NOT looking forward to high school.

    But it's just like middle school except bigger.

    And new faces.

    And you'll get to know some of the new faces and just happen to meet new people randomly.

    That's what happened to me, and I enjoy high school now.

    Except having to wake up at 6:20 every morning.

  3. Don`t worry about it,it`ll be fine .. just dont get in the way of the older

    im a freshman myself :P

    if your worried about making friends,just join a ppl with the same interests as you.

    go to the orientation and try to make some friends.


  4. i just graduated from high school a few months ago and I have to say, looking back, it was the BEST time of my entire life. I actually had the worst high school experience ever during the first week of school because I had NO friends. well, i had ONE but she ditched me for her cousin.. To kill time and avoid looking like a loner, I went to the bathroom stall and sat there before school, brunch, and lunch. it was really pathetic. but don't let that small portion in my high school experience scare you. The second week, I met this girl in my biology class and she introduced me to her friends and our whole group has been friends even to this day. We're very close. My advice to enjoy the whole high school experience is join as many activities and clubs as you can. You meet new people and make lots of new friends. I joined band and tried out for the volleyball team (and made it!) and joined a couple of clubs. so do the same! look forward to high school! there are so much things happening (more than middle school). there are football games, dances, functions, events, and more! you'll have more freedom than middle school and enjoy all its perks. it's a great four years and enjoy! =) goodluck and don't sweat it. if i could do it all over again, i WOULD.

  5. High school is not scary at all. Since you'll be a freshman, I advise you not to pester the upperclassmen. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Don't be a pain in the butt and steal people's seats on a bus or lunch table if they were sitting there first.

    And don't run to class, that just makes you look more like a freshman.

    Try to get to know your hallways better so that you'll know where your classes are.

    Freshman year was actually pretty easy for me. The courses are easy as heck. I wasn't bothered by upperclassmen at all.

  6. It is okay if you are a little nervous; most of the other kids will be nervous too.  Once you get in your first class you’ll forget all about being nervous because high school is such a cool place.  You get to pick some of your classes called electives.  Like, you can pick wood shop, metal shop, arts and crafts, computer classes, stuff like that.  You may even be able to pick what you do for P.E. (Physical Education) like football, baseball, or basketball.  Cool huh!  Best of all you will make some really great friends.

  7. Don't be scared! Remember the first day of middle school when you couldn't find classes and you just hoped that friends would be in your class , that was just preparing you for high school!

    Good Luck I hope this helped!!
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