
Fear of hurdles!!?

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Last year I just started track and I found my nitch, hurdles. I was really fast at it and I could jump pretty high. Then I screwed up and I hurt myself. I never got a chance to compete either! Now I am so freaked out to do it again. I practice in the grass and I clear them easy. Then when I'm ready for the track I freak and remember how bad my fall was. How do I get myself the courage to just do it?




  1. Just do some running on the track then start with low hurdles then get higher again

  2. i feel my 7th grade track season and broke my ankle

    8th grade i did track again i was not to do hurtles because of me ankle and i did anyway my first meet was scary but after my first time clearing them alll i knew i was good and my fear was gone i know you arne supposed to do all 10 duroing practice but try it or ask your coach to see if you can try it so you wont be scard when the meet comes ands you know you can clear them all

  3. I have had some luck usng this method with my hurdlers:

    Start out with one hurdle 3" below your hurdling height (i.e., if you run the high school 110 high hurdles, set the hurdle height at 36").Using your normal starting technique (blocks and all), do 3-5 reps over a single hurdle.  

    Then do the same thing with two hurdles, but place the second hurdle where the third one would be (do not put a hurdle where the second one would go), then 3 (third hurdle where the 5th hurdle belongs), etc.  Stop when the fear returns.  Next day, start over and try to get farther.

  4. just do it it will make you feel better
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