
Fear of moths/butterflies?

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My gf is realllllly scared of moths/butterflies, they are harmless, she will scream and run off if she see's them. sometimes she is shaking after, shes absolutely petrified of them, we have researched them so i could show her they're harmless etc she cant stay in a room with one for more then 1minutes, what can i do to help her overcome this fear?




  1. Excuse me all of the above  a phobia is an irrational fear of something and isn't something to b laughed at. I share the exact same phobia and its horrible, i react the exact same way. I dont have any answers as i personally dont want to b in the same room as a moth /butterfly. i had been forced by a school teacher to enter and stay in a butterfly farm despite having a letter from my parents requesting i not go and it still gives me nightmares. yes i know that these are harmless creatures that will not hurt me but the simple fact is i hate them they are evil.


                           good  luck,..,  bye,..,

  3. Take her to a physcologist and get this problem fixed.!!


  4. That's a really stupid phobia. I can't believe people call me crazy!

  5. im terrified of them too...but i got it from my mom i guess because shes the same way...when she was little her older bros and sis would hold her down and put them all over her so she freaks out when they come near her to..we just stay away from them

  6. keep her in a room with about 3 moths.

    untill she gets used to the feeling.

    then if that doesnt work take her to a therapist.

  7. This is more of a question for the mental health section. However, there's not much you can do short of certain kinds of exposure therapy. It's actually not that uncommon a fear, despite being irrational. She knows they are harmless but that has nothing to do with it. Phobias are irrational so helping her to see reason isn't going to get rid of the fear. She may know perfectly well that they can't hurt her but she'll still fear them. It doesn't make sense and it's not supposed to. I have a friend who's afraid of anything with wings that flap and I watch a little kid who cries and hides behind me when he sees moths or butterflies but tries to catch wasps with his bear hands. There's no way to "teach" the fear out of her, it's just there.

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