
Fear of rollercoasters. please help:(?

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alright, so im going somewhere tomorrow, and im gonna be at an amusement park like for 2 or 3 days. its not so much that im afraid of rollercoasters. its more that i hate that feeling in my stomach when theres huge drops. ill go on rollercoasters and after the drop, ill LOVE it. but everytime i get on one, i feel like im gonna cry, cause i just hate the drop.

any advice on how to get rid of this fear?




  1. First thing, believe it not - get closer to the front of the train - the less that "drop" will affect your stomach. Remember to keep your eyes open and watch the track - that will also help. Leaning forward will also help.

    Stay away from the back of the train, because by the time you get over the "hump" you're already moving fast.


  3. Just close your eyes and hold on and scream

  4. close your eyes at the drops or look up! scared the sheet out of me on shiekra

  5. Sit next to someone like a best friend, and that makes the thought a little less scary. Just think about how much fun the ride will be after you ride it!

  6. go w/ the flow... bear the drop a  few times and do it again and agian... youll get used to it after a while

    good luck

  7. Just think, you said after the drop you LOVED it. Well when you go on another rollercoaster, just think the same thing. When going through the drop, bite down on your teeth & hold your breath for a second. It always works for me. But, im not scared of rollercoasters. Lol. Anyways. the drop only takes 2 seconds. Nothing is going to happen. Just say that you have been on tons of rollercoasters befor & you know what the drop feels like. You will be used to the feeling in your stomach when you drop! Hope this helped! (Lol. Im going to Cedar Point Thursday in Sandusky Ohio for a 6th grade trip!) Have Fun!!! :D ♥

  8. I just swear profusely out loud until the drop is over... Keeps my mind busy enough to forget about it!

  9. Okay.

    Screaming or laughing gets the feeling out of your stomach than just sitting there does. So try that.

    Good luck & have fun!

  10. What i did straiten out my legs and push against the back so you feel secure and then hold on to the bar...

    after a while of doing that i didnt need to anymore

    now im hands up whole time  ; D

    but i used to be scared shitless of rollercoasters but then the ride wildcat helpedd that. A wood one in a lot of different parks

  11. do it again and again and again and again and will get used to it sometime!!!hehehehe

  12. Before and during the drop, you can try focusing on how you always feel after the drop

  13. Get to know the coaster like a lover, know it before you ride it. Look at the expressions on the other riders faces; i.e what are they thinking? Are they scared? Do they look calm and cool?.

    Also look at the ride tracks, how do they loop and twist, etc?

    Speak to the staff about the ride and things you are unsure about.

    Go to the entrance of the cue line; what are riders thinking and doing? Join the line and look at the ride before it sets off, remember you don't always have to ride, you can escape through the exit. Joining the line can be good enough for some.

    Now you are standing in front of the coaster, so sit down, pull your restraints and let your curiosity of the ride take over.

    The ride begins, how do you feel? You have gotten this far (well done you!) and you're about to overcome your fear. (You already have by getting on the ride!)

    As you reach the top of the track or lifthill you may feel nausea or sick, this is perfectly natural and with deep breaths it will go away. Remember, enjoy the experience, don't fear it.

    When you get to the end of the ride, rejoice and say you did it! You overcame your fear, well done!

    Be curious of the ride, think to yourself "oh, I really want to know what it's like" and "wow, they don't look scared, I might try it." Remember, if you let your curiosity take over you will get through that cue no problem.

    Also make sure to stay positive! If you get scared on the ride you might soil yourself!

    Sit next to someone you like or get talking to someone in the line, it helps you feel secure.

  14. I don't like the feeling in my stomach when falling either, but it provides thrill, which is the whole point of rollercoasters to begin with. My suggestion is to go on as many rollercoasters as you can, because you'll become used to the feeling, and then you'll welcome it, in time. Everybody is nervous when they're about to go on one, so just talk to the person your with and keep yourself occupied until the drop. It's scary, but it's totally worth it.

    Face your fear, and good luck.

  15. This probably isn't what you want to hear, but you just have to get used to it.  I used to hate them too.. but after you go on like 10, you're totally over that feeling, and it's just fun.

    Sounds stupid, but really, it's the best way to make it ok. My friend went to an amusement park with us and we forced her to go on a bunch of rollercoasters and her fear is gone.

    oh..and SCREAM A LOTTTTT. that ALWAYS helps, why else do you think people do it?? It makes it funny and it's nice.

  16. i cried for the whole time when i went on a rollercoaster for the first time! but, i got over it.

    i LOVE them now.

    there's like a one in a bizzzzzillllionnnnn chance that you'll get hurt or anything.


    theyre the best kind of rides EVER!!

    if you dont ride rollercoasters, why go?!!

  17. just think "this is safe,the drop only takes 2 seconds,then the rest is funn"


    so usually if my friends r there with me... i end up going on anyway... but if im with my family i tend to not go on the ones with bigger drops ='[ lol.

    but i havent ridden a rollercoaster in awhile so hopefully now that im older i can ride em np(?)

  19. there is not much u can do about it if u hate the feeling of the drop, just suck it up or dont go on the ones with steep drops.

  20. I had that problem too. Just think about how it is just a ride and nothing is going to happen. Tell yourself that you will be alright and most people go on roller-coasters because of that feeling, so it's not like it's gonna hurt you.

    Good luck!

    Have fun at wherever you're going!

  21. Try to focus on something else, look at the view. Laugh. Just something.

    I love that feeling though! Roller coasters roooock.

  22. close your eyes and pretend you fell down the stairs.

  23. I hate rollercoasters personally for the same reason you mentioned. When I was young, I would go anyway because all of my friends were doing it but now that I am an adult, I feel it's alright to just say no!

  24. OMG my friend is just like u. Well we were waiting in line 4 her first rollercoaster, and she almost hyperventilated. Anyway, u just dnt think about when ur in line, and when u get  there u just got to force urself to get on. After that, u kind of just forget the fear, once u ride the scariest one, then u feel like u can ride any1. SO i recomend going on the scariest one first. So u just get it over with.


    This is a link to an answer that I gave to another asker. It was considered a best answer....

    Hope this helps

  26. It's because your probaly thinking that somthing bad is gonna happen

    dont worry its ALL tested and you should be alright

  27. hello,im a fellow rollercoaster fear freak.i was never on one  and looking at them gives my the woolies! i get that sinking feeling in my stomach watching them! lol!im afraid ill freak if i get on one.

  28. i have the exact same problem!!!!!!!!!! idk i just think that it only takes a couple of seconds for the drops


  29. Try not to get rid of it.

    That is what intensifies the ending for you.

    Just keep telling yourself that you will love it when it is over, as it sounds like your normally do. :)

  30. if you live in Spokane Washington you go on the panic plunge like, 50  times.

  31. Well I'm the same way. However, after going to amusement parks enough, you start to get used to those types of feelings. All I can say is try to get enough confidence to go on it, and you'll eventually get used to the feelings. Or that's at least what happened to me. I know your fear thoughh. They're pretty freaky. And there's no way you'll be able to enjoy the rollercoaster at all unless you go through with the drop. Good luck! :]

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