
Fear of slugs, please help!?

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Hello! I know it sounds silly but i have a HUGE phobia of slugs and im getting really sick of it now. Theres nothing worse than being terrified of something so much that you come into contact with all the time. I am so bad i used to beep my horn and wait till my mum came out to check if there were any on the floor before id walk down the path. I even sat in my car crying for 10 minutes because there was one near my door. Its doing my head in because when it rains im scared to go out the front door. Can someone please help me! I know it sounds silly but no one will ever understand a phobia unless they have one. I am so terrified of them i cry when i see them and have nearly fainted. Please help :(

Thanks x




  1. just don't look down

  2. dw i have a spider phobia that makes me feel unsafe in my own home especially in the summer. i have to check every part of the room before even stepping in there so i know how you feel lol.

    you could try and get closer to them or just chuck alt on them but its really hard, its like just thinking about them terrifys you lol well for me anyway.

    all you could do is gradually get used to them being around or see one of them phobia-therapist sure pepople around you would support you.  

  3. Everyone has a fear of certain things.  The best way to confront it is to face it straight on, but in a gradual manner.  Make light of it to convince yourself the fear you have is really just superfical.  Believe it or not, by finding something humorous about that which you fear can begin to diminish it's overall "scariness".  The University below actually has a Banana Slug as it's mascot.  lol

  4. Just throw salt on them - it makes them dissolve.  

  5. That's weird but like you said I don't have slug-phobia, LoL try to step over them.

  6. Consider moving to an area where slugs are uncommon. When we lived in Delaware, we had tons of slugs. In NW Montana, I don't think I've ever seen a slug here.

  7. I hate spiders, I even ran from one out of the house and didn't go back in til hubby came home, I know how you feel, but I'm better know, it's been 15 yrs, and I can stay in the house, and just call him:)  In time it's better, I couldn't even watch TV is bugs were on:P  Still don't like it, but try to as others said don't look down, if you do see one, go the other way, or long way around it, remind yourself while doing so that they don't move fast, at all:)  Best of luck,

  8. Around here, slugs are not that common unless you are out in a garden or the yard in the morning. Maybe one thing that would help is realizing how very weak and fragile slugs really are. They are defenseless. They don't have teeth so they can't bite you. They are slow, so they can't chase you. And they are very benign and harmless. You are a giant to them and they are powerless.

    Think of them as snails without their armor. They are like homeless snails, that's all they are.

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