
Fear of spending money...!!! anyway to help?!!

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I am 14 years old, and I have this fear of spending money , examples are like I really wanted to buy a kitten that costs 65 $ , I know its not alot for a kitten, but than I dont want to spend the money to buy it and I know the good chance have already passed, I dont think I can get them any more... I have money of my "own", and its enought to get one, but than I keep on thinking that " this is the money that my parents worked so hard for... I shouldnt spend it..." anyway to overcome this fear? and another thing, everytime I think about asking my mom to buy me something, I get really nervous, and the fear comes again... I am not poor or really rich, but everytime I have to consider of buying that thing for like a week... please anyone, any opinion?




  1. Well i use to be like that when i was ur age but now im so different lol. Your young and there was problly times when u know that it was hard for your parent when it came to money. All i have to say is buy what u need or want u dint have to go over bored a kitten u will appreciate and love and u will get ur money out of just but things like that untill u r able to get out of this. once u work for ur own money u will understand i really dont know what else to tell u but to buy things that u will get ur money out of then u will feel better ok. good luck get ur kitten honey

  2. go to your parents and tell them how you are feeling. i am impressed that at 14 you are knowledgeable about cash many kids don't worry about such things. I have been trying to get my 13 year old to know what the value of a dollar is. try this ask your parents to let you help do things like the grocery shopping get a list of the items the house need at the store and a budget. shop for the items and see if you can bargin shop and come out with extra cash at the end. hun it is okay to be frugil but dont be afraid.

  3. keep the cash  

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