
Fear of throwing up in public..HELP!?

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Hi, I need some advice help or anything, i've had this fear of throwing up in public for as long as i can remeber..I know its anxiety but its taking over my life, i cant ever leave the house, and i havent even went to school because its so bad, and its ruining my life someone pleasee help i want to live a normall life again :)




  1. but why would you throw up?

    if you aren't ill i think you'll be ok to leave the house.

    i throw up in public all the time, so I can't really help you, sorry.

  2. that my friend, is called emetophobia. ee-met-uh-fo-bia  i have it too.

    it falls into 4 catagories

    -those that are afraid of themselves getting sick

    -those afraid of others getting sick

    -bot of the above

    -and of people seeing the throwup in public

    look up this on google and you will fing a support site, and more info

  3. What are you doing to help yourself? Counseling? Physician? Psychologist?  

  4. I don't have any advice but I know how you feel because I get the same thing.

  5. you will not throw up in public!

    so dont worry

    i will say that again

    you will not throw up in public!

    just relax.

  6. I can understand how you feel, I am going through exactly the same thing. I have a fear of throwing up, and other people throwing up. The more you stay indoors though the worse you will feel when you next go out. There was a time where i missed about 2 months of school because of it, but I have been taking tablets called domperidone which have helped me a lot. I still have the fear on some occasions (much less), but it has helped me get out the house again. I hope this helps.

  7. Ask your parents if you can start seeing a therapist, or maybe even the school counselor right away. A therapist can help you tremendously with this and they will be there for you and support you through this.  

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