
Fearing SIDS!! Help!?

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My son is 6 weeks old and I am terrified of SIDS. I've also heard people say vaccinations are linked to SIDS and my son is going for his vaccines in 2 weeks now I'm thinking about delaying them?! I don't know what to do! Do other parents worry about SIDS?!




  1. I was very scared of this as well.  I bought a monitor called Angel Care, it slips under his mattress and detects movement and breathing.  If they stop an alarm goes off.  I have slept great now with both my babies, knowing they are sleeping safe!  It is worth the money!!

  2. all parents worry about sids to some degree. I have never heard vaccines being linked to sids. I personally, although I worried about sids when my baby's were young, wouldn't have delayed their vaccines....the way I saw it they had a better chance of dying from the diseases they were being vaccinated from than getting sids from their vaccines.  

  3. everyone fear sids

    i did even when my son was 2 yrs old

    they said use those baby bumpers when the baby sleeps to keep them from rolling or moving

    that helps alot form preventing sids

  4. SIDS is a concern for every parent. Delaying your child's shots isn't very smart. They have shots at certain stages of their lives for a reason. The shots are given to protect them from many illnesses, etc. Just be smart. Never put your child to sleep on their stomach...not even a short nap. Never put blankets near or around their face that will cause suffocation, etc. Fol lowing simple rules will put your baby at less risk of SIDS

  5. I almost lost my daughter to SIDS. I found her in her crib, blue and not breathing. Luckily she was able to be revived with CPR. She is now on a heart and lung monitor, and our doctors have been wonderful about having us take every precaution. some tips I have found very helpful...

    1. Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature, and does not get too hot. A good way to tell if baby is warm is giving it a kiss on the forehead. You should be able to tell immediately if the baby's body temperature is getting too high

    2. Keep pillows, blankets and bumpers out of baby's crib. This decreases any risk of suffocation.

    3. Do not lay baby flat on his back after a bottle. A baby should remain in an upright postion, such as on your shoulder or in the car seat at least 30 minutes after each meal.

    4. Have your baby checked for possible acid reflux. This can cause a baby's breathing to seize up during a nap. Some symptoms include fussiness after a meal, frequent hiccups and difficulty burping.

    5. Make sure NO one smokes near the baby, or even touches the baby after smoking.

    6. Lay baby on his back to sleep, as this greatly reduces the risk of SIDS.

    mother always want to protect their babies, and SIDS is so scary because the cause is unknown. After a few months it WILL get better. Just take all the precautions you can, and don't let this fear overwhelm the joy of your new baby. Check out this website for more tips and information about reducing the risk of SIDS in your home.

  6. ive never heard of babies dying of SIDS due to vaccinations. you cant always believe what read or hear especially on the internet!

  7. There is no known cause of SIDS, and nothing that can be done to prevent it.  A lot of people think that babies sleeping on their stomachs increased chances, and it's just not true.  The only risk to a baby sleeping on it's stomach is if it is laid on a very fleecy blanket that could cause suffocation.

    Sleep positioners are good for one thing, giving your baby a flat or misshaped head.  It's recommended to put your baby to sleep with a small blanket and that is it.  No stuffed animals, no pillows, bumpers, just the blanket.  Anything else in the crib just increases chances of suffocation.

  8. i cant say dont worry because all parents do but the risk involved in not getting you baby vaccinated far outweigh the risk in doing so. if you need to let your son sleep in a bassinet in the same room with you or you could do what i did (sleep on the floor beside the crib) for a few days after the shots. there is no way to prevent sids which is one reason it is so scary but try to relax and tell his doctor about your concerns it may help you feel a little better. as far as him sleeping on your chest i dont see any harm as long as you are in a recliner or such so that should you fall asleep you cant roll over or anything . my son took naps like that with his dad all the time as a newborn and he is fine.  good luck and try not to worry so much!!

  9. My daughter had all her usual vaccinations and did not get SIDS, but I have heard that in Australia, as soon as they made vaccinations "optional", incidences of SIDS dropped 50% that year. I still don't entirely trust vaccines, especially those that are made from live cultures.  I think it's a toss of the dice as to whether your child gets it or not.  

  10. every parent worries about SIDS...

    the only thing you can do is check on your son a lot during his naps...

    i was so paranoid for the first 6 months that I'd set my alarm and check on him every 2 hours...

    i would even have him sleep on my chest ... or right next to me in my  bed..

    i don't recommend that if you move a lot when you sleep...

    i don't move at all when i sleep... so it's OK...

    and i don't believe vaccines have anything to do with SIDS...

    so don't delay them...

  11. omg yes i think every parent worries about sids. ive had dreams where i wake up and my daughter isnt breathing or something, i wake up and run to her room to see ifs shes ok. my daughter is 4 months old. its a very serious thing and you just need to pray.

    congrats on the new baby!

    and why did i get 2 thumbs down for this.....who knows

  12. I worried, I think all parents do.  One thing that helped me sleep a little better was my Angelcare sound and movement monitor.  It has an alarm that sounds if it doesn't sense movement for more than 20 seconds.

  13. Delay them.  I know two babies that died within 12 hours of getting the DTP.  Both were classified as SIDS but it was fairly obvious they were vaccine injuries.  And these are just children of people I know personally.  If you look up reactions in the VAERS database there are many many more, and those are just the ones someone went to the trouble of reporting.

    I'd definitely delay until his immune system is fully developed.  For pete's sake, you can't even give them WATER yet and we're giving them four shots in one day, all of which contain ingredients that are not considered safe for adults?  (Thiemerosol, still present in "trace amounts" = mercury, classified as a neurotoxin.  Formaldehyde, classified as a carcinogen.  Ethylene glycol = antifreeze, poison.  Neomycin, antibiotic only approved for EXTERNAL use and likely to cause allergic reactions and irreversible asthma if taken internally.)

    Do your research before vaccinating, even if that means not following your doctor's schedule.  You can always give a shot later but you can't take it back.

    Here is an article on the DTP/SIDS link:

    Those of you who say there's no link need to go to the VAERS database and see all the deaths attributed to vaccines.  There are plenty of parents and pediatricians that have seen vaccine deaths firsthand and know there is a link, despite what the government would like you to believe.

  14. I was fraked about sids with both my kids until they were about 8 months. It is completely normal! I've never heard about the vaccines being linked to them though!

  15. The only reason vaccines are linked to sids is because sids happens early in life, and early life is when children get the most vaccines.

    Every new mom gets very frightened about sids but the truth of sids is that it is rare.  As long as you place baby on  his back and keep the crib free of stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, etc. He'll do just fine.

    Even if you do the unthinkable and place baby on his tummy, chances are he'll be fine.  We were all put on our tummies and we are just fine.  Due to severe reflux, I put my son on his tummy and he's now 15 months old and doing great!

  16. My sister passed away from SIDS when she was 6 weeks old. My mom got pregnant 13 years later and when my brother turned 6 weeks, she had him sleeping in the bed with her.

    He's had all his shots and he's fine.

    Go ahead and get the shots. Talk to your doctor about your worry. SIDS doesn't happen as much as it did a few years ago.

  17. Of course other parents worry about SIDS. I was terrified because my daughter would only sleep well on her tummy, not her back. I never knew that vaccinations are supposedly linked to SIDS, but I had I know that, I still would have taken my daughter in for them at the appropriate time. The chances of vaccinations causing SIDS obviously aren't that high or I think we'd hear about it a lot more often. I wouldn't want her to get behind on any of her shots and then have to get caught up later. But you have to do what you feel is best for you and your son.  
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