
Feature: making Killzone 4 the perfect shooter, a few tweaks and a major change – Part 2

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Feature: making Killzone 4 the perfect shooter, a few tweaks and a major change – Part 2
After taking a brief look at what made Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 one of the most iconic first-person shooters of their time we went into, quite some detail, on the shortcomings on both games in terms of storyline and how Guerrilla Games should model their
single-player campaign on the likes of the Uncharted series when it comes to story.
The next point is linked very closely to the story and has to do with
Guerrilla Games have done one thing right and that is to give the PlayStation 3 and the gaming world one of the most iconic ‘bad guys’ in the shape of the Helghast, who with their red glowing eyes and thick British accents just have an aura about being absolutely
Then came Colonel Radec in Killzone 2 and his ability to make one wonder just exactly where he would teleport to next with that one hit kill dagger in his hand and in Killzone 3 gamers had not one but two new characters to invest themselves in.
Malcolm McDowell and Ray Winstone both joined the Killzone cast and made their mark on the universe but their time too came to a premature end. The characters did not live long in the gamer’s memory though and that is something that needs to change.
Yet, the biggest change that needs to come in terms of characters is Rico. First introduced in the original Killzone, Rico became known as the walking tank, yet in the second game he became so annoying that many gamers wished they could shoot him instead
of the Helghast.
He did redeem himself and make himself more useful in the third game but it was not enough and giving him the axe in the next game would not be too bad an idea. Seeing how he unleashed h**l at the end of the second game, idiot.
It is perhaps time for another Garza like squad mate to join Sev in his endeavours against the Helghast and maybe a proper bond of brotherhood where gamers actually care who lives and who dies.
Change of environment
Now do not get us wrong, we love the atmospheric feel of Helghast with its vine-y forests, barren deserts and even more barren cities, yet the overcast feel of the planet has gone on for two games now and perhaps it is time to move on to greener pastures.
Maybe a space station like the one in Dead Space or a planet with more than one tree on it, a bit of sun and lot of fighting would be nice change of scenery.
If Guerrilla Games can apply the same level of detail and atmosphere while creating a less foreboding world, then maybe the game’s engine can be seen in a new light, literally. It is hard to do anything but appreciate what the developers have done in making
something a bleak as Helghast so rich and immersive so maybe a ‘new challenge’ will be good for the franchise as a whole.
Read on in the next part of this article: Feature: making Killzone 4 the perfect shooter, a few tweaks and a major change – Part 3
Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the editorial policy of



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