

by Guest55559  |  earlier

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I was born feb 19. and i googled if i was a pisces or an aquarius.can any1 give me a good astrology site plez?




  1. Depends what year you were born in. Tell me the year and i'll let you know.

  2. Well it depends on some factors like where you were born, what year and time. I like using this site:

    Make sure you use the advanced search so you can enter your time of birth.

  3. pisces and there are so many good sites. The first one i think is better but you can decide.

  4. If the person born in Pisces 19th Feb. then his co-workers will be against to him.

    If the person born in Aquarius 19th Feb then his Partner will be against to him.

  5. you are primarily fish, BUT you will have a few glitches at times and show characteristics of an aquarius. being born on a cusp makes you a mutt of sorts-- but not in a bad way. you're more likely to show pisces traits but at times if you notice non typical behavior in your sign's jurisdiction.. you'll know why!

  6. Feb 19 is what the astrologist would call Aquarius / Pisces Cusp which means you are technically a pisces with certain Aquarius traits. I'm born on the 21st Feb so i'm very much like you.

    Though in many sites they would probably classify you and me as Pisces but i totally dont agree with them. What i suggest you do is to go read this book tittled: The Secret Language of Birthday.

    This book has a break down of all 365days and it describes alot of information that will surprise you... I swear by that book that it's at least 85 - 90% accurate

  7. You are Pisces, i was born on feb 17th at 11:55 pm in 1962.

    If i had been born 6 minutes later i would have been a pisces also, but i am an Aquarian.

    As for a good horoscope site, i use Sylvia Brownes, she's is the best known psychic in America. She has been a psychic

    for 50 yrs. I also use yahoo's horoscope but i get better results from Sylvia.


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