
f***s fetishes, how do you get into them?

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How do people get into this kind of stuff? Like, rubbing f***s all over themselves? Or then sticking it in their mouths? I see this stuff online all the time. They always rub it all over their bodies and then stick it in their mouths like they're going to eat it. How does someone come to being turned on by that?

Do you think it's something that happens to them when they're kids?

Maybe spousal abuse?

Or are they just sitting there one day, taking a dump, and then they decide randomly they're going to smell it and rub it on themselves?

If you're into f***s fetishes, scat p**n, etc, can you tell me how you got to that point in your life?




  1. OK, I'm not into it. At all. But I'll answer your question.

    The people attracted to this are mentally ill. They have what is called a paraphilia. It means they are attracted to something abnormal.

    The most famous of these is pedophilia. But there are several others, such as urophilia (attraction to urine) and necrophilia (the dead) and auto erotic asphyxiation.

    These people are mentally ill and need help.

    There are others, like Narratophilia, which is being sexually aroused by talking dirty, or being talked to in a dirty way. This isn't really bad, as far as I can tell. In a case like this, it becomes a problem if that's the ONLY way you can become aroused.

    There are also those who look at it out of morbid curiousity, like yourself.

    As for the people in them.... some people are drug addicts and will do anything for money.

  2. Quote: "I see this stuff online all the time."

    Whoa. How exactly do you see this stuff "all the time"? See, I'd stay away from this stuff if I were you. That's how you get into it... one creep decides it's funny or something and then before you know it, you got a whole bunch of curious people getting into it too. The less you see, the better off you'll be. So... just.... yeah, stay away from it. :P

  3. No one knows what causes any of the fetishes or paraphilias, they just seem to happen.  We could just as meaningfully ask why some people like anchovies on pizza, it not a sign of mental trauma, just a matter of personal preference.  When it's a sexual preference, especially one as extreme as coprophilia, people try to treat it like it's a disease and look for a cause and a cure, just as people continue to do with homosexuality and BDSM.  It's been, however, my own observation over the years that the libido simply wants what it wants, whatever the persons background.  This whole "what's the cause of it" issue is a result of arbitrary Victorian standards about what constitutes "Normal" sexuality, if it's something "we" enjoy it's normal, if it's something "they" enjoy that we don't, then "they" are sick.  Freud and Kraft-Ebbing were the founders of scientific study of sexuality, Victorians both, and they both picked themselves as the standards of normality, people are still doing that to this day.  No matter how disgusting I, personally, might find another persons fetish to be, it doesn't change the fact that mutually enjoyable activities between consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes are no one else's business.  If someone else doesn't care to participate, they don't have so to do.    

  4. It's because p**p tastes d**n good.  Period.  People are just unwilling to find out.  I fell into a pile of dog poo one day and it landed right on my chin.  While spittling out pieces of dirt and such, I tasted a bit of buttlog on my lip, and I realized that it actually tastes quite exquisite.  So I promptly went home and squeezed a loafer into my hand and gave it a try.  I basically paired it off with my feeder fetish, and now I love to spread it all over my willing body.  It does smell like ****, though.

  5. You don't.

    They get out of YOU.

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