
Fed up giving but not recieving?

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I seem to be the nice guy who gives advice and helps people along the way but I never get the same in return.. like people come to me with their problems and when I have a problem it seems like I am left stuck by myself and I am getting tired of being a charity... what would be the best way to go for this?




  1. Keep on givin. Good will come.

  2. Try not to set expectations.  People are going to to people.  Try not to be so demanding.  If you want to help, thats great, but do it because you want to, not because you expect these people to be there for you in return.  Maybe you are just surrounded by the wrong people, who knows.  Try exercising appropriate boundaries and helping but not to the point that it drains you.  Humans are selfish and self centered.  Thats the way of the world.  No matter how much you do for someone and how much you are there for someone, it will never be enough.  I think this is a question of what not to expect, perfection.

  3. If it makes you feel good to help other people with their problems, then keep doing your thing. You shouldn't feel like you need to profit off lending a helping hand, other than personal satisfaction. If you're so wise on the subject and have so many people you offer advice to, can't you use that experience to help you out with your own problems? If you need someone to listen, just sit them down and start talking then make your own decisions. You seem smart enough to.

    Your reward will probably come unnoticed, but you will be rewarded for doing good.

  4. Perhaps you aren't clearly asking for help.  You need to open the conversation with,"Hey, it's not a huge problem, but I've got something on my mind....and I was hoping you could let me know what you think...".

    Or something like this statement.  When you want to talk about YOU, then make it known...don't try to 'slide' it into the conversation.

  5. I don't want this to sound bad but I am almost 40 and I learned it a long time ago and you may have to learn it too. People are self centered. They don't really care about you or your problems..they are only your friends and they only care when they have a problem and need your help, or they want to borrow money, etc...other than that...they don't care.  I don't mean to sound harsh but I learned the hard way.. People are so busy with their own life..that they never even think of anyone else.. Also, you can give and give to the point, you are emotionally drained and physically sick.  and then you are not any good to yourself either...Take care of yourself.. there is nothing wrong with helping others but MOST people will take and take and take and you get stuck with the physical weariness of it...If they can't be there for you...stop being there for them..

  6. well the best solution is to spot out da bad *** and dont' give them back the help ... ignore them..say anything ranging from i am tired....pain..etc.....then they will realize how much u mean to them....reject nicely

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