
FedEX On FedEx vehicle for delivery Question?

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I ordered my Packaged June 28th and It said it would be here by June 30th it is now June 30th and i just checked my order and it says "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" in Richfield Ohio, I live in Fairview Park Ohio and that is only an half and hour to and hour away from Richfield. So i called To Track to see where the actual truck is at and they said said its on the truck but not "Commited to be there today" and they said it other words it wont be delievered today but it says its suppose too. So Should I Continue to wait at my house for the package or go on with the rest of my day, BTW its 12:07 pm




  1. I can't say for sure, but every package I've ever had on the truck was delivered that day.  I think the person you talked to was just covering his *** by saying the package is not "committed to be there today."  In other words, "We're not going to promise anything."

    And you can't judge the time it will take by how far you are from the Fed Ex facility.  The driver has a truck full of packages to deliver, and you have no way to know what order he'll be delivering them in.  In my experience, the driver will deliver packages until the truck is empty, meaning yours might be delivered in five minutes or five hours.  If I were you, I'd wait for it (unless the driver will leave it without a signature).

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