
FedEx Delivery Time!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i ordered and brought a ps3 over ebay from america and the seller said they will send it with fedex and it should take 3 - 5 days, it left america on august 2nd so it been 4 days ,

how much longer will it take?




  1. It depends what FedEx service they bought? Usually companies like this one would use express savers. The best thing to do is call the number on the website or on a receipt that you either printed or got emailed and look or ask for the tracking number. it depends when you bought and what time of day. typically they would use service called " int'l express saver," lets say you ordered it at 8 am on monday, you should expect to get it on Friday or Monday. when intl it takes a li'l longer because it has to go through customs and be inspected.

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