
Federal finiancial aid question. independant/dependant status ... 1st and 2nd degree?

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I'm almost done with my degree in American Studies (its a liberal art) I should be done in the fall but I have recently decided that I should either stay in school or return right away. I want to get my teaching certification for Social Sciences (it will take about two years) I just recieved independant status since i was born before Jan 1st of 1985 (barely) but I am worried about finincail aid ..... I've gotten the maximum amount for a dependant undergraduate but I am no longer a dependant. From what I understand you can't get federal aid for a second bachelors but what if I don't complete the first till i complete the second? Am i elligible for more federal aid now that I have independant status?

i feel like teaching certification would benifit me greatly

also my school is nationally and even internationally reconginzed for its college of education...... and the students are recruited a great deal for teaching jobs in not only this state but other states and countries as well....




  1. Don't complete a second bachelors!  Look into getting a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree.  You can get financial aid because it's a graduate degree and you'll get more pay as a teacher because of your advanced degree.

    If you don't want to go that route, most states have special programs to help you pay for teaching certifications.  In my state (Arkansas) you can even start teaching without one as long as you're working on it.  Check with your states dept. of education website and look for programs like this.

  2. go ask your financial aid office or your lender. and your registar and whoever your new advisor would be

    if you think a masters would make you initally less employable dont do that yet

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