
Federal law banning ownership of handguns under 21?

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It has been repeated that it is illegal to own a handgun if you;'re under 21 that I fear too many just remember what they think they might have heard and never bother to actually research before spreading the disinformation

I have seen way too many otherwise knowledgeable people repeat the myth too often

Can any of you please provide a link to the FEDERAL law that forbids anyone under 21 form owning a handgun

When you fail to do so will you kindly stop spreading that particular lie




  1. It's not a myth. The federal age limit for purchasing rifles and shotguns is 18 but the age limit for purchasing handguns is 21. I believe that these limits were put into effect by the 1968 Gun Control Act.

  2. You only need to be 18 to own a registered handgun. How else would they arm the military?

  3. Your talking to the jackass trolls arent you? I've seen them too. Maybe their just uneducated, don't know their laws, or just straight up lying. It's... I think well known that anyone under 21 can't purcahse a handgun from a gun store but ownership is not illegal for people under 21 and private sales of handguns to people under 21 is not illegal either. Unless you live in certain states but there is jack **** on the federal level.

    It's like those ganster poser **** shitforbrains that post bullcrap here. I'm betting some may know whom I speak of. They don't know the first thing about guns.

    Edit: To the first person: He's asking people whom say that ownership of handguns for people under 21 is illegal to put up or shut up and with what I can expect neither will happen.

    Edit to the second answerer: There is no federal registy, there are in some states that hate people exercising a right not given to us but is defined as not to be meddled with but they do it anyway. And where does the military thing come in? ******* clarify. And you didn't provide a link.

    Edit #3: To the person below me: Purchasing a handgun from a store not ownership in general. Private sales are not regulated by any federal agency. Nor are guns given as gifts or passed on in families. I have a freind I think you'd be happy to argue with. Or maye you wouldn't. He's 20 and open carries a .45acp handgun. I don't remember the make. And he has owned several since being 18.

  4. It did not say you can't own, it said you cannot purchase a handgun if you are not 21 years of age.*

  5. You cannot buy a firearm from an FFL under 21 years of age... that does not restrict you from owning one.

    This depends on the state you live in... but here in Michigan... if you purchase from a private seller, you can legally own a handgun at 18.

    So you can purchase and own a handgun at 18 provided you're not buying it through a federally regulated gun dealer.

  6. There is no such Federal ban. As an FFL I can only sell handguns to those 21 and older but those 18 and older may certainly own handguns (subject to state and local law) obtained through private sales or as gifts. Those under 18 may also "own" handguns but generally may only use them under adult supervision.

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