
Federer blaming bad light for the loss.........disgusting?

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in the press conference after the wimbledon final, federer said-its feels really bad to think that u lost the biggest championship because of maybe some bad light.

isnt that a really bad attitude-blaming the light for the loss.the light was bad for both the players and putting the blame on the light seems real loser like to me.

i have earlier also said that federer always blames things and gives stupid excuses for his losses- when he lost to nalbandian last year,he said the courts were not fast like the hardcourts are supposed to be.

whats ur say on this excuse giving?

P.S. i am really happy nadal won.finally the people who branded him a 1 surface man can keep shut.

go nadal!




  1. Simple the best player on the day won- Fed's excuse doesn't wash as if you read Rafa's comments he said he couldn't see much either.

  2. aghh.. even Nadal said he had trouble seeing the ball and that the light would have effected the match.

    And Federer didn't put all the blame on the light he also said Rafa played very well and that he tried everything to win the match against him. They both played well, and they both had bad luck during the match. afa just had better luck than Federer at the end.

    Other players make much more of a fuss than Federer, he's a great guy and so is Nadal.

    Federer also probably worded it wrong.. you could take those words and turn them into whatever you wanted them to mean. To me it sounds like he said there was maybe some bad light and he let him effect him too much.

    Federer and Nadal are both great players and awsome people, it's sad either of them had to lose in the end.. but be happy it was such a great match and stop putting Federer down.

    Go Federer =] (and Nadal's awesome too) lol

  3. So would you in his place.

  4. if you actually listened to the rest of his sentence, he said "thats not an accuse for why i lost, nadal had the same conditions and was able to go through". having mono is NOT an excuse and he clearly played through the whole tournament with it before he told anyone. He just stated the obvious about whatever court he was playing to not be as fast as hardcourts (which are the fastest courts).

    Anyways, someone as great as federer doesnt need to make up lame excuses for his losses. hes got amazing sportmanship which if u dont believe then check out his 4 laureus SPORTMANSHIP awards. i think ur post if very one sided and even if u dont like roger u got to appreciate him for all he's done for the sport!

  5. Well i say that federer should die from the light!!! i hate him plus he is very ugly!!!!! RAFA IS THE BEST I HOPE HE WINS!!!!!! US OPEN!! BUT his knee surta hurts! so i hope his knee gets better and i hope that federer dies!! so yea................... LETS GO RAFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Frankly speaking to what Federer said was not true spotsmanship for I know that if Nadal lost the final,he would not have blamed it on the light.federer's just sour that he could not break Bjorn Borg's record.

  7. I think you've taken what he said out of context. He was not using it as an excuse, after he made the statement he also said that Rafa played well, and Rafa did play well, they both did. The lighting was terrible what was he supposed to do, sit there and lie?  Even Rafa said in his interview it was hard to see the ball, so there's really no reason to jump down Federer's throat. You never catch Fed blaming other things if he loses, he takes personal responsibility and credits his oponent, that's what true sportsmanship is. He and Rafa are the two classiest guys on the ATP tour and they played a great Wimbledon final, and Rafa came out on top, good on him, but Fed deserves glory also for that match even though he lost it he wouldn't go down without a fight, he absolutely pushed Rafa to his mental and physical peaks.Fed deserves as much respect and praise as Rafa does.

  8. wateve..its the arrogence of a top seed, losing your crown to someone you punished two years before for trying to play on your surface...and also gettin owned at thier surface.

    I'm not a federer hater or anythin...but it drives me crazy when people don't accept they lost to the better player.

    Vamos Nadal

  9. give the guy some space. You are being really hostile. I happend to know those werent his exact words and he said that Nadal deserved the championship. If you werent def you would've heard that. And if he did say that he was just bummed out. Give the guy some space. Why don't youcomplain about McEnroe

    P.S. Nadal looks like a Monkey. Plus, last year when Federer beat Nadal at the clay final in Hamburg Nadal blamed on the surface. What an a*****e!And , you guyss are bunch of retards. Nadal is a peasant and Federer is fancy and you gus are just jealous he's number one mother****ers. Idiots. Shut up about it.. You werent in England were you bitc hes. Maybe the liighting was bad. BTW Nadal is a 1 surface man. U guys are making such a big deal about 1 Wimbledon. I didnt see you guys complaining about Nadal when he said the surface wasnt "right" at the Hamburg final. ANd, Federer is a good sportsman because in Dubai when Andy Murray beat him. He admitted that Murray played. Whoever complained about that comment is a r****d.

  10. federer is a good guy, but as a tennis player, no.

    he dosent have the passion that nadal has,

    cuz nadal ROX!!!!!!!! WHHOOOTT!!!!!!!!

    but federer isnt as bad as some players, just i think

    it hard for him to believe that he lost. i mean rafa

    played sooo good. well at least he dosent throw his racquet

    liek some *cough cough* roddick!!!*cough cough*

    but theyre both good people, just different players..

    and x-annabe-X or whatever ur name is...

    ummm nadal didnt win by luck.

    he won by sweat and blood. he won through

    mistakes he had made in the past 5 years of wimbledon.

    luck dosent have to do with anything. (exept wind and rain and those kinda things) but weather was against BOTH.

    tennis isnt luck my friend, its skill.

  11. you haters are disgusting. im sure 2 years ago all of you were worshipping federer, but now that tides might have turned a little bit all it is -is " GO RAFA".... DISGUSTING

  12. no he didnt..he was asked whether the light bothered him and he gave an honest answer..even nadal said tht couldnt see anything..the only difference was he won so nobody payed attention to tht..all these haters who are throwing dirt at federer's professional grace are nothing but idiots.

  13. Dont be so harsh on him,if you  listened to his speech carefully he said it was unfortunate that such a riveting final had to be held is such bad no point did he say it was responsible for his defeat..he did give due credit to nadal saying he gave his best but Nadal was better

  14. Yea , everything u said  GO RAFA !!!!

  15. okay people, there is no need to beat up on Federer. Ian got it right. Federer stated that the lighting was bad but Rafa played great (which both did).

    As for passion, Roger is very passionate about Wimbledon! He is more subtle about it than Rafa (think Venus and Serena). Since last Sunday, I have watched the match more than 5xs. There is no question that he wanted to win! McEnroe cut the interview with Roger short b/c Roger started to tear up.

    In retrospect, I think the match ended as it should have---2 sets all; decided in the most difficult lighting of all by the world #1 and world #2.

    The king is dead---long live the king (your choice).

  16. There's nothing to add. You said everything.

    He's not the God that journalists tried to make us believe...

    I really appreciate his style on the court, his game but I don't consider him as THE lord. But as a champion, he has an ego, and it's normal.

  17. Your interpretation of Federer's comment is, perhaps, a trifle unfair to him.    There was no hint in what he said of BLAMING the poor light for his loss.    All he said was that it was a pity that such a tight, gripping final should have poor light so close to the end of the match, light that, obviously, marred the play of BOTH finalists.

    Nadal mentioned the poor light as well when he was being interviewed.   To be consistent, you really should rebuke Nadal for 'blaming' the light for his win!

  18. Did you watch the whole thing? You're taking this wayyy out of context.Federer shrugged when first asked about the lights b/c it didn't matter at the point, the match was over. Also, if you listened he said the light was no excuse for why he lost to Rafa. Roger gave full credit to Rafa's win and has nothing but nice things to say about him. Roger is not going to blame his loss on some technicality.

  19. he just has to take it like a man-

    rafa was playing in the same conditions as roger so it was a fair contest

    hes probably just really mad he couldn't make it 6 wimbledons in a row...

  20. yes i watched this interview,but it is not the first time.He lost against Murray in Dubai this year and he said that he lost just because he was playing bad and not because Murray improved his game.He always find some excuses for his losses,people just don't talk about it.

    @x-annabe: to say that you had some problems with the light is one thing but to say that you lost because you couldn't see anything (and this is what Federer said) is unfair

  21. I hadn't realised he had said this. What a bad loser! Just accept you were beaten on the day and get over it. By saying that he is, one, taking away the moment from Nadal by inferring that had the light been better, he would have beaten him and two, is making himself look like a bigger tosser than I already thought he was! Nothing like a bad loser, eh?

  22. First it was mononucleosis (Aussie Open), now it's bad light. Next? No more fire in himself and retire? We'll see.

  23. Sorry to say this but I believed you misunderstood what he was saying. At no point did Roger said or implied that he lose simply because the lighting was bad. He just simply remarked that it was very difficult for him to see the ball that late in the dark.

    Even Rafa agreed with the bad lighting and agreed with what Roger had to say.

    Furthermore if Rafa did not make a big deal over this comment from Roger, then why should we make a big deal over it?!?! Because isn't it, after everything is said and done, Rafa's problem to deal with!!! And if he isn't making a fuss over it and has practically agreed with Roger's comment about the light, then what's the big deal really all about anyway?!?!

  24. i know! i cant believe he said that! i just think that he was embarrassed from losing what almost was a 6 time Wimbledon championship title. go nadal!

  25. you guys thinks that federer disgusting is very stupid...

    hey, he's win 12 grand slam, 12 on the hardcourt,and  5 in a row at the wimbledon..everybody saying that nadal is the king of grass is fool..he's only win 1 times..what  king?..overated king?..yes...but i think federer didnt need a excuse..he's still the king of grass..unless nadal can beat him for 6 in a row..which is impossible i think...

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