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do you guys think that federer can win the french open this year??????




  1. He can but he'll need a little luck. If he can avoid early scares like the one against Tipsareivc in Melbourne, and get to the final fresh, he will have a good chance. Not having to play Nadal wouldn't hurt either...

  2. I think he will be a contender but lately when I have watched him, he hasn't been playing to the level we all have seen the past couple of years he's dominated.

    I think he will be a contender, possibly finals or semis but not the champion.

  3. Yes!

  4. It'll be a h**l of an irony if in Federer's WORST year since becoming #1 that he wins the elusive French Open. I'd love to see it happen, but I"m not betting any money on it.

  5. i´m living in Spain currently. i hope Nadal will do it this year!

  6. no way federer doesnt stand a chance he might not get into the final. he hasnt been playing good this year and those two recent loses to nadal when he was something like 5 -1 up will happen again in the final if he gets there.

  7. he will probably get to the semi's or the final. if he makes it to final and he doesn't have to verse nadal then he should win. federer a fairly good draw with a possible match up with davydenko who could trouble him if he makes alot of mistakes.on the other side nadal will most likely face djokovic although nadal should win, as i said semi or final.

  8. There are good clay players out there and there is Nadal whom he has to deal with.

  9. The only tennis tournament worth worrying about is Wimbledon. I can't wait for it!

  10. he didn't even win the austrailian open. he has to worry abuot djokovich and nadal now.

    basically, no.

  11. i think and hope nadal wins it..

  12. He has a pretty straight forward draw and im sure he`s secretly lying back pleased with the draw he got. lol He has literally no challengers, which is usually the case with him anyway so it was expected.... He`ll make the final and lose to Rafa assuming Nadal makes the final :) Rafa has a pretty hard draw but i think this will only make him stronger for the final and beat federer yet again for a 4th title here :) !!! Woo !!

    Vamos Rafa x*x
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