
Federer supporters vs. nadal supporters?

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ok this is one realisation that i have made after nadal's victory at wimbledon.

the fed supporters are understandably sad and sour, but they seem to be grumbling, complaining and abusing nadal,saying his win was a fluke and what not.

whenever nadal loses i have seen that we nadal supporters act in a more sensible way,and dont make excuses and grumble about the situation.

what say about this analysis of nadal against fed supporters?

another thing just get the feeling sometimes when i read the answers here that some people have swithed over from fed to u think so?




  1. i think youre right.... but ive never ever gone for federer ever ONLY NADAL!!

  2. I am a Federer supporter but I believe your analysis is correct.  Nadal carries himself very well and I believe he will be the greatest male tennis player in history not named Sampras or Federer.  He does not deserve the abuse most Fed supporters give him, and I do not believe his win at Wimbledon was a fluke, considering he has been to the finals 3 straight years now.  

    It's typical though of people who cheer for the man at the top to be annoyed when their guy loses, so once Nadal takes the top spot I think some of his fans may begin to become sour when he loses.

    I think some people switch from Fed. to Nadal.  Both are pure tennis champions and deserve every fan they get.  I think alot more are switching now because Nadal receives equal press coverage here in America.

  3. I think you are delusional and expect everybody to worship Nadal because you do. Why does somebody have to be bitter Federer fan? Can't I just hate him because he's disgusting? And what does Wimbledon have to do with it? That's just one win he still has a long way to go before he is the greatest and God knows with his contant injury he won't get there.  Tell the buttpicker to stop picking his butt and I will root for him. Until then Vamos Davydenko!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. they both are exceptional players and nadal will probably get more grandslams than federer and sampras. but federer will maintain the record of the most consecutive weeks at the number one position.

  5. Well im a newby to all this ....i only fell in love Nadal kind of last year but mostly this year from Wimbledon. So im just gettin started with the obsession. Yer i agree the Feddy fans are gettin really grumpy but maybe its bcus Rafa nd Rodger are so different its hard to compare and see the perfect/best tennis player. I think Feddys reign is coming to an end tho... nd Rafas soon gonna take his seat at No 1 :D

    Vamos Rafa :D  As for the glory hunters...well why not if their now seeing the light nd supporting Nadal...let them! :)

  6. i have been a nadal supporter for a long time and we nadal supporters dont grumble because we are matured and we act and think in an intelligent way

  7. well, it's kind of fun for fans to fume about their favorite tennis players, but let it be so... it makes tennis more interesting...  enjoy the ride... i do so...

  8. I am a die hard Federer fan and I gave Nadal his "props". I find most of the Nadal fans here pretty sh*tty ,if I am being honest. I think Federer has a lot more haters here than Nadal. Sorry but you went there

  9. I hate nadal and all of his g*y outfits,, and I believe he and federer made a deal that if federer lets him win 1 wimbledon then nadal will let roger win 1 french open, tennis is becoming like wrestling it's all pre arranged and the william sisters started it years ago but got caught at indian wells////

  10. Im a Federer supporter but really like Nadal as a person and admire his game.

    dont think it was fluke that Nadal won as Nadal had reached the final of Wimbledon twice before and deserved to win this time as they both played awsome tennis for 2 weeks (esp in the final) but Federer choked on the break points he had whereas Nadal didnt.

    It couldnt have been closer and I think Nadal supporters and Fed supporters should get on as theyre both amazing players and great for the game.

    They are actually friends with each other off the court which shows that their down to earth people.

    so if they can get along then their supporters should too.

    Federer fans are probly just dissapointed that Federer is no longer at his best anymore ,but hes been number 1 for 4 and a half years so he can't stay there forever.

  11. i've been a Nadal supporter from the start.

    i love him;


  12. I've been a Rafa fan for quite some time , and both his official website and another fan site, have fans who behave more maturely if he happens to lose a match . Don't  know what  Federer's site is like  - in all honesty I've never taken a liking to him - too arrogant & pompous for me.

    Rafa's much more of a people person.

  13. I'm also a Fed supporter but I don't think Nadal winning Wimbledon was a fluke.  How could it be if he's made it the Wimbledon finals 3 times in a row.  That to me screams 'no fluke' Nadal wins a lot of tournaments.  However, I do think that maybe 6-7 times out of 10 Fed would win Wimbledon against Nadal which means that Nadal can win again.

    It hurt less a day after because I know how sad Nadal was last year and he seems like such a nice guy.

  14. well ok Nadal won Wimbledon as he deserved.Happy now.

    from roger fan :)

  15. I find it sad that Novak Djokovic has already been taken out of the picture just because he had one bad day... Let's not forget the man who beat him, Marat Safin (a former number 1), made it to the semis on a surface that he despises.  No I have not lost track of the question, I am merely providing insight to my answer.  It is hard not to get bitter when your favorite player who you know is capable of claiming any title on any given day receives bad press. This being said I have to side with Federer fans, because the bitterness comes from the constant pressure that he faces.  Nadal fans have it easy: he's expected to lose to the top seeds, because his weaknesses are apparent and he does not carry the number 1 ranking.  And before you assume I'm just an excuse maker (because it does seem that way I admit) think about it logically.  Nadal is a bull who grinds out every point, I don't care who you are no one can have a perfect record with that style of play in this sport.  Federer is more of a dancer carefully constructing each point until it climaxes, almost always in his favor.  In this sport, Federer's style of play is the closest to perfection a human being can get.  He knows how good he is, but with all the poor media attention saying his reign is ending and that he is losing form, it is understandably hard to remain confident and focused throughout his matches.  Doubt is a player's worst enemy in this sport.  So when he is expected to win everything and falls up short, we all should remember he is human.To clear it all up though, I am a Nadal fan over Federer, because there's no one out there that works harder and stays more humble.  But I have accepted that when it comes down to it Nadal will never be the player Federer is and has been for so long.

  16. Federer and Nadal are both good players and their fans are usually reacting negatively when they're being attacked.

    Nadal is still the number 2 ranked player in the world although he's played better than Federer this year. I think most of the negative remarks you've heard from the Federer fans are responses to the 'in your face" Nadal fans who are relishing Nadal's recent successes over Federer.

    It's never easy to eat "humble pie".

    I don't think there are a lot of fans switching over to Nadal who were great fans of Federer. The Nadal fans are just more vocal and noticeable now that they have something to celebrate.

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