
Federer tells crowd to SHUT UP?

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Did anyone else notice this in the 2nd set of the Wimbledon final? The crowd let out a big cheer, as they thought Federer hit a winner. Nadal is able to get the ball, and put Roger on the defensive. Rodger hits it into the net, and then yells, SHUT UP to the crowd. I know it was an important point and all, but I was surprised to see this. Even John Mcenroe, the commentator verified that this was indeed directed to the crowd. It's rare to see Federer lose his cool.




  1. I was there and I thought he just let out a yell. But I mean if he did say shut up, he didn't mean it to come out that way, it was probably out of frustration. I mean if you've got the whole world beating up on you for a couple of losses and saying your finished and now your about to be down 2 sets to love at the finals of the grandslam your King of and to your greatest rival and your not playing your best at the moment, frustration is definitely a big feeling. The crowd wasn't supposed to do that during play, it was an accident, but the noise messed it up for him so I really can't say I blame him for it especially in the situation he was in, but I'm sure he wasn't trying to be mean.

  2. I only watched the last 3 sets, but it must be frustrating for Federer to be up 3-0 and then lose 4-6.

  3. Yep I saw this. Federer is a sore loser; blaming lack of light and rain delays for his loss. Though, when it rained at the final a few years ago against Roddick..he said it 'saved' him

  4. no he didnt say shut up.

  5. I highly doubt he said shut up since he only speaks english in press conferences.

  6. i did not see it but i dont believe u.

    Even if he had done it, it might b due to frustration.

    c'mon, being in his place do u think u wud hav remained cool as a cucumber???

  7. Probably just a yell that sounded like shut up? lol.. I do agree that he is a sore loser. Blames everything..

  8. Shock horror! The greatest sportsman in the world yells at the crowd! We mortals cannot begin to understand the intensity, adrenalin and emotion you take into a Wimbledon final. So let the Great One be.

    I remember the point in question and the crowd were far too eager to call the point. Did they forget he was playing Rafael Nadal?

  9. I saw that point.. I'm 99% sure Federer didn't say 'shut up' he did however get frustrated.

    It might have been the point that a crowd member called out when Federer was about to hit a ball.. it put him off and he hit it wrongly, it just missed the line.

    (the reason he missed it was definately because of the crowd member by the way)....

  10. Yes, indeed the great one did but I don't blame him a bit.  The game was very intense for us and I can't imagine how it was for those two.. Besides did you notice some rude people taking pictures late in the game while Roger is waiting for the serve from Nadal? That bothered me too how some people didn't give proper respect.

  11. Hmmm... Im not sure its the same point but i did see him yell at the crowd. It was when he hit a forehand and approached the net and nadal returned it floating in the air and federer was about to hit a swinging volley at shoulder height then the crowd cheered just before federer was about to hit the ball. well... he missed. it was like a few inches off the baseline AND THEN federer yelled at the crowd. he looked pretty pissed to me. the crowd was really at fault for that. federer was under A LOT (well, more than usual) and just lost the 1st set... anything that will distract him will probably make him explode at that moment.

    i do agree with the crowd at that time that federer was about to hit a winner. it was clear... i would've cheered too. it was just wrong timing for them to cheer before federer hit the ball.

    i do agree with ♪♫♫♪ that the crowd were rude when they were taking pictures. it affected federer much more than it affected nadal. why? because nadal was still looking down at that time, bouncing the ball while federer was waiting for nadal to serve. just try adjusting your eyes from flashing lights to a dim court. it takes a while. but in that tennis match, there wasn't enough time.

    btw, i do like watching federer lose his cool sometimes. or at least just a reaction. rather than watching him ice cool, emotionless... just shows how much passion, or frustration, he has for the match.

  12. Yeah, I heard it too, clearly. That is common behavior of his when he is losing a match. We've never heard anything like that from Nadal, why can't Federer control his emotions the same way?

  13. I did not see the point in question but i do know that Federer has been playing since he was very young and while he was a good player he had a temper. There is footage of Roger Federer (as a child) playing tennis which i have seen; little Roger misses a straightforward forehand and throws his raquet to the ground. It is rare to see Fed lose his cool but I think it was just an outburst in the heat of battle.

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